Well, we all survived a year of living under the same roof as one another without having any huge blow-ups and slamming doors. We all thought it would be hard to find time to be alone with ourselves when we needed it, but turns out, it was a lot easier than we thought.
Yeah, there was the chore group who slacked-off sometimes, but then again, I’m sure you did when it was your turn to take out the bathroom trash… There was the occasional dish left dirty in the sink and there was a sister or two who always left a trail of their things around the house. But would we have wanted it any other way?
We all learned to love each other in a way that we never thought we could. We all learned how to deal with someone else’s mess and put up with the sister who always came home drunk on the weekends. Those nights that we all went out together resulted in numerous pictures together and a lot of memories to be laughed at and shared later in the year. There were the occasional family dinners in the kitchen when everyone was home at around the same time and we were all able to rant about the stupid homework assignments that we received that day.
There was always a sister in the living room, napping instead of studying. There was always a sister who was bouncing around from room to room looking for someone to hangout with. There was always someone ranting about something and there was always someone who was inviting everyone everywhere.
I want to thank the house full of girls that I had the chance to share a beautiful house with for an entire school year. I want to thank you guys for putting up with my own personal rants, my bad moods, and my good moods. I want to thank you for laughing with me at how I looked the morning after a long night out. I want to thank you for loving me with bad morning breath and constant meltdowns about how I miss home. I want to thank you for keeping it cool no matter how many times I let the dishes collect in my bedroom.
It is easy for me to say that living in a sorority house was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Originally, I thought I was going to have to wait for the shower to be available and not be able to use the bathroom when I absolutely needed to. I thought that the house was always going to be loud and there was always going to be something to complain about. Living in a sorority house proved all of my initial thoughts wrong and if I were to have to do it all over again, I would without question.
Because of living in a sorority house I became close friends with girls I never would have thought I would have had anything in common with. I found more people who were just like me and I found people who helped me become a better person.
If you ever have the chance to live in your sorority house, do it. I promise you all of the stereotypes and negative comments that you may have heard will change. There is something about living in a house full of so many girls that changes you as a person.
Don’t ever shy away from living in a house full of girls because you think you might have to share your things all the time or that the privacy you’re used to will go away. I promise you that you’ll have your alone time and you’ll learn that sharing your things with others allows others to share their beautiful things with you as well.
Living in a sorority house is an unforgettable experience that you should never pass up. Because of the girls I shared my home with for a year I am a different and even better person then I was before I lived with them.
So, thank you to all of the beautiful girls that I was able to share a beautiful home with. You helped me change into a better person and I am blessed and honored that I can say that I miss living with you all more then anything in the world.
Your fellow roommate