Hi there.
It's been two years since I stepped off that graduation stage, two years since I last set foot inside the walls of that school. A lot has changed since then, and I'm sure much of the faculty wouldn't recognize me, for multiple reason.
For one, I'm blonde now. But, to be honest, my hair basically changes with the seasons so it's usually pretty hard to keep up with anyway.
Secondly, I've lost almost 100 pounds since my senior year.
Quite a difference, don't you think?
Thirdly, and most importantly to me, I'm no longer someone else's shadow. I've grown out of being too afraid to be who I am, being too shy to step out into the spotlight and having to use someone else as a shield. The person that I'm sure many of my old classmates and teachers used to see me with 24/7 is no longer there because I realized that I was being manipulated the entire time. I was being forced into a shell that muted who I truly was — a leader and a confident woman.
I have found who I am and where I want to be in life, and for that, I want to thank my old high school, Kingwood Park.
I want to thank the faculty for always believing in me. For seeing through the times that I was too scared or too nervous to show off my abilities, for encouraging me to try my best even at the subjects I knew I wasn't strong in. By believing in me, you gave me the courage to believe in myself and to push harder than ever when it came to difficult situations.
Special shout out to Mrs. Villegas — you rock. Like, hardcore. I love you lots and you actually were the one who finally got my head together in terms of what I wanted to do with my life. You saw through my flimsy "I wanna be a cardiothoracic surgeon"shpeal — honestly, I was thinking more along the lines of what would make bank as opposed to what I actually would enjoy doing, no hate towards surgeons whatsoever — and helped me realize that my career should be something I enjoyed and loved. I knew I could write, I knew I had that talent, but I was always too hesitant to try and make it a career because of the pressure I had put onto myself to be successful.
What I wasn't aware of is that success and happiness should be one in the same, so thank you for helping me realize that.
I also want to thank my beloved high school student council. It's been a wild ride, hasn't it? There ups and downs, but y'all are ultimately the reason why I was able to see that I could actually be a leader, that I had that potential in me. Unfortunately, I don't think I ever got to truly show how much of a leader I could be. I don't think I got to that point until after freshman year of college. But without y'all — the members, my fellow officers and delegates, and our sponsors — I would never have known that I had it in me to lead others. Most of all, I would never have known how much I enjoy being a leader. And it's not just about getting to boss people around, but it's how much I love being able to be someone others can look to for guidance.
I love to help people, and y'all taught me how I could do that as well as pave the way for others to follow. So, thank you.
Kingwood Park is home to so many memories. Every homecoming dance, every pep rally, and every period that I spent with friends I grew up with. I may have drifted apart from some of those friends, but I hope that regardless, we will all hold these memories near and dear to our hearts.
I always will.