If we recall the worst events of the past couple years, thoughts of the Paris attacks may come to mind. Also, there was that poor woman reporter who was shot on the spot while doing a live report. Closest to this year is the seemed-to-be terrorist shooting in San Bernardino, CA. In just nine months there have been shootings that seem to be due to feelings of bitterness of diversity in over five different states.
The act of murder is such a catastrophic event, always. However, it takes just one person.
To see a nation fight against itself due to hateful acts is one of the hardest things to swallow. Yes, some of the violence stirred up has come from other countries, but much of it going on here in America has stemmed from citizens of the same country.
People. Friends. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Fellow men and women of the same country. Look around, please. The hateful actions we witness on the news or our Facebook or twitter feed are not just normal things.
Murdering another human with no justice or reason to induce harm should not be this easy to do. The cognition of putting that burden onto someone and their loves ones is a step above just being bitter. To me, that shows that these people committing these crimesneed someone to talk to.
I remember after the Paris attacks happened, I had a conversation with a friend. We were trying to remind each other of pressing matters that we need to be praying for. He said the families affected by the Paris attacks. I completely agreed, but I added a twist: “What about those men. Those men who voluntarily shot multiple innocent people and killed them. They obviously need prayer. They are missing something essential in their hearts and minds.”
Now, the government can put boundaries and limitations on what we can and cannot carry in an airport, what we can and cannot smoke, and any other laws they want us to abide by. However, there is a key word in that sentence.
They can make any laws that they want people to abide by.
Our government surely cannot be to blame fully. There are some regulations and things that our government does that I do not necessarily agree with, but it is fully my responsibility to keep my head on straight. It is also my responsibility to watch out for my fellow brothers and sisters of this country.
Now, I understand that you cannot go and talk to every single person that seems to be a little off-beat or depressed or lonely. However, think about it this way. There was a man who shot a reporter. One man, who got his weapon from someone else. He probably had a job at some point prior to murdering that poor reporter. This man, had to have had some type of friend or acquaintance or peer. At least one. And lastly, he had to have some type of parent/guardian for some time of his life.
Look at all those connections he had due to circumstances. Now, if someone reached out to him and made a relationship with him, he may have talked to them before committing that horrible action. If someone would have taken three minutes to listen, they could have figured out that he needed help.
He/she could have helped him. You could be that person. If you feel that urge, if you feel that voice saying, “she is upset, he is hurting”, step up. You never know the difference one person can make.
It takes just one person.