Us Type-A personalities are a special breed of people. Type-A is defined as a temperament characterized by excessive ambition, aggression, competitiveness, drive, impatience, need for control, focus on quantity over quality and unrealistic sense of urgency. Even the definition of Type-A seems stressful. I'm not here to judge anybody with this personality type, because quite frankly, I can't. I would go so far as to describe myself as Type-A+ it's so bad. So for all of my fellow permanently anxious and stressed out people, this one's for you.
People constantly remind you or feel the need to educate you on your personality type.![]()
"You're so Type-A, you know that right?"
Trust me, I already know.
The smallest and most minor things stress you out.![]()
If someone changes the day or time you had plans or you get every red light on the way to work or school, your body immediately goes into fight-or-flight mode.
Basically anything and everything stresses you or causes anxiety.
"We have so much to do and I'm so stressed out. Why aren't you guys stressed? It's stressing me out that you're not stressed out."
Yes, I've actually said this before.
People who aren't Type-A get easily annoyed with you.![]()
It's really hard for people to understand why we sweat the small stuff. To the other personality types out there, we wish we could answer that for you because it actually annoys us that we don't know. Oh, and I highly recommend never telling a Type-A personality to calm down, just saying.
Overthinking is your biggest enemy.
If there was a way you could burn calories when your mind raced, us Type-A people would be in the best shape of our lives. Our minds are constantly racing and it never seems to stop. Trying to fall asleep is a huge pain because everything that went on that day replays in our heads. Did I say something stupid? Did they think I was weird? Did I forget to turn my assignment in? Yeah, it never fails. No matter how tired you are, you have to allow yourself at least 20 minutes until your mind has run out of things to freak out about.
You've been told on multiple occasions that you're going to give yourself an ulcer or a heart attack. ![]()
Yes, I know I stress myself out. If I had the choice, I wouldn't choose to be like this. Even if I do become the youngest person to have a heart attack, well, I guess that's some sort of an accomplishment, right?
You don't know how to relax.
The idea of relaxing always sounds amazing, and you can't wait until the opportunity presents itself. However, when given the chance to relax, you physically can't. It seems like there's something else you should or could be doing.
You love lists and schedules.
Life just seems to be so much better and easier when everything is written down and color-coded. Yes, you're the type of person who carries a planner around even though there are definitely apps out there for that. Color-coordinating things brings you unexplained happiness as well as crossing something off of your to-do list.
Spontaneous is probably one of the last words someone would use to describe you.![]()
Similar to relaxed and low-maintenance, spontaneity is just a quality you will never possess. You like the structure of having set plans of when you're doing something and what you're doing.
I'm not going to lie, Type-A personalities can be a lot to deal with. However, underneath it all we're just like you...except more stressed out.