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5 Festive Solo Dates to go on this Holiday Season

Because you don't need a partner to enjoy the season!

christmas decoration ball

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This is a response to 50 Things College Girls ~Actually~ Need This Holiday Season Instead Of A Boyfriend.

Every time October comes to an end, young adults brace for the return of "cuffing season." The colder months bring with them a surge of single people looking for a partner to spend the holiday season with. Enduring images of a cute, bundled up couple ice skating hand in hand or drinking hot chocolate by the fire in matching pajamas fill our heads.

These are nice fantasies, but even for those of us who are coupled up, they're not always reality. Sometimes you might have a partner who doesn't enjoy the holidays, or gets too cold to go ice skating, or prefers to go out on the town instead of staying in by the fireplace (which you may or may not have). But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the holiday season!

Whether you're single or simply always looking for a way to be festive, here are five solo date ideas to try this holiday season.

Have a pajama movie night.

pajama movie night

Go watch a movie or host a movie night

This idea needs no explanation. Make some popcorn, gather your favorite snacks and drinks, slip into your coziest pajamas and cuddle up on your couch for a relaxing night in. You could even light a holiday scented candle for some festive ambience. Watch whatever your heart desires, or choose from a selection of classic holiday movies!

Go gift shopping

christmasThe 25 Best Christmas Movies You Should Enjoy This Holiday SeasonPixabay

Malls and retail stores often go all out for the holiday season, making a shopping excursion an experience full of twinkly lights, festive scents, and beautiful decorations. Grab a festive Starbucks drink as fuel before heading out to find gifts for all of your favorite people. Make it an adventures and explore thrift stores or outlets you've never been to before.

Try a new holiday recipe

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For those of us who like to cook, the holiday season is filled with endless possibilities. Treat yourself the way you would a special guest, and make a holiday treat you've always wanted to try! To get really creative, you can search for seasonal recipes from different parts of the world, such as tamales from Mexico or mulled wine from Germany.

Check out live music at a local coffee shop


Coffee Shops (And Restaurants)


Nothing says cozy like a hot cup of coffee. Plus, many independent coffee shops regularly host live music performances or even poetry nights. You can get your caffeine fix while enjoying a show.

Visit holiday light displays

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Whether you head to see the giant Christmas tree in your city's downtown square or simply take a stroll through your neighborhood, twinkly light displays are always a treat for the eyes during the holiday season. Grab a warm cup of hot chocolate or apple cider to keep you company as you take in the sights. You can also stroll with headphones and listen to your favorite holiday tunes.

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