When Your Sister Doubles As Your Best Friend
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8 Fairly Obvious Signs Your Sister Is Actually, And Legitimately, Your Best Friend

As much as I hate to admit it.

8 Fairly Obvious Signs Your Sister Is Actually, And Legitimately, Your Best Friend

I'll be the first one to admit that, sometimes, having an older sister seems more like a punishment than a blessing. She's always stealing my clothes, commenting on how "immature" I am, and claiming that she was so much more successful when she was my age.

But once my sister finally left for college, I realized that despite all of our bickering, she was my go-to person. I would call her about the recent dramatic scene that took place in class, I would complain about my parents, and we would go into in-depth conversations regarding the recent episode of America's Next Top Model on a weekly basis.

These were just some pieces of evidence that my sister was/is actually (and unfortunately) my best friend.

You Prefer Hanging Out With Your Sister Over Your Other Friends


When it came between going out on a Friday night to the movies with a group from school or binge-watching "New Girl" for the eighteenth time with my sister, I always knew what to choose. Even if my judgment swayed, my sister's whining would force to me to reevaluate my decision.

Every Time You See A Good Movie, She's The First To Know


The majority of the movie recommendations I received this year have been from my sister. Even when I was skeptical about seeing "Mamma Mia 2", she encouraged me to go (and I have been grateful since). Before I think about starting a new television series, I always ask for her opinions and advice because, at the end of the day, she knows what I like more than I do.

You End Up Accidentally Twinning With Your Sister


Whenever I would see two best friends post a picture on Instagram of their "Twinning Tuesday" apparel, I would look over and see my sister wearing the same flannel as me with the same brand of black leggings. Every time we went shopping together, we would end up picking out the exact same shirt and both purchasing the same outfits (even though she's my best friend, we don't share).

Your Phone Is Filled With Ugly Pictures Of Her


While most people have embarrassing screenshots of their friends or significant others, there is a specific folder in my phone dedicated purely to Snapchats my sister has sent me that are just too funny not to keep. I would feature one here, but I'm afraid of the backlash that could potentially occur.

You Plan Time To Call Her Throughout The Week


Now that my sister lives over 800 miles away, I don't have the opportunity to plan a trip to the mall with her during the week. But, through time, we've figured out ways to improvise with our hectic schedules. Whether it's just calling each other during our free time or both going to a cafe at 2:00 PM on a Wednesday so we can feel like we're going on a coffee date together, my sister and I always make time to gossip.

You Tell Your Sister Too Much Sometimes


There are some things that you shouldn't tell your family, but you'll tell your sister anyway. When I was a freshman in high school and my sister was telling me about her adventures at a college party, I was definitely shocked at her unfiltered stories (especially as a thirteen-year-old girl who didn't even understand the concept of smoking weed yet).

You Have The Best Inside Jokes Together


Since she's known me for my entire life, our jokes have had years to grow and develop into intricate tales that no one will ever understand simply because we cannot explain them. There are always those few random words or phrases that instantly spur a reaction from the both of us, but there are also in-depth stories that only we will find funny.

She's Your Biggest Fan, And You're Her's


As best friends always do, my sister and I support each other through every obstacle we go through. Through every heartbreak, through every financial struggle, through everything. We're also there to hype each other up when we do well academically, when we get hired for a job, or even if one of us finds a good sale on shoes.

They say that friends come and go, but when your best friend is your sister, it's forever.

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