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14 Signs You Know You're A Journalism Major

I promise this won't be "fake news."

14 Signs You Know You're A Journalism Major

At an early age, you knew that you enjoyed writing more than your other friends. When you joined the morning announcements, the newspaper and the yearbook in high school, you knew then that journalism captivated you. Even though you are always constantly stressed and your deadlines have you on the border of a mental breakdown, you know that you're doing what you love. Here are some signs that you are a journalism major.

1. When breaking news hits, you get 20 different notifications from all the news sources you follow

When you're studying to be a journalist, you like to read different news outlets to see how news organizations can write completely different articles about the same topic. Even though its a great idea, your phone notifications suffer.

2. You're always writing... ALWAYS.

As soon as you are finished with one assignment, it's time to start three more. It's an endless cycle.

3. You write all of your papers in AP style.

You may be typing a paper for an English class, where your main focus should be literary devices and MLA format, but YOUR main focus is not breaking an AP style rule. You're mainly focused on writing out your numbers that are less than 10 and using someone's last name on a second reference.

4. Obsessing over social media

You think you check your Twitter a lot during the day? HA. Journalism majors do it more, I promise.

5. You're on top of current events

When people try and tell you about things going on in the world, you probably already know about it. Either your classes force you to be, or you just really love current events.

6. You aren't fazed by rejection

If you ask people for interviews, many will say no since they either don't want to talk or don't like the media. But it's OK, you probably didn't want to interview them anyway.

7. Your professors urge you to answer their rhetorical questions in a Twitter post

And don't forget the class hashtag or you won't get credit.

8. You shamelessly do a happy dance when your work is published

Done for the time being until the next deadline!

9. You're working three internships at one time and none of them pay you

You may be broke, but your resume is flourishing!

10. You don't remember how to write academic papers anymore

You're so used to writing less than 1,000 words for an article that you're shook when having to write a 10 page paper for history class.

11. You visually cringe hearing words "fake news"

Don't say those words around me. Seriously you don't know fake news until you are a journalism major...Trust me.

12. You judge people who don't spell check their social media posts 


13. "You're a Journalism major? That's cute!" 

It's not just about typing on a computer. There is a lot more that goes into this major.

14. Even though journalism drives you insane, you love what you do and can't see yourself doing anything else

It's the truth people. I don't know where I would be without Journalism!

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