The Republican National Convention, Recapped By Michael Scott
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The Republican National Convention, Recapped By Michael Scott

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." -- Michael Scott

The Republican National Convention, Recapped By Michael Scott

Last week, the Republican National Convention took place in Cleveland, Ohio. So much happened over the course of the four-day convention--several controversial speeches, angry chants, inspiring endorsements and the longest nomination acceptance speech in U.S. history--that it can only be summed up by our favorite controversial yet lovable TV character: Michael Scott.

Day One

1. Melania Trump's Speech & Possible Plagiarism

Melania Trump gave a beautiful speech about her husband that seemed to impress and inspire most viewers--that is, until they realized some of her phrasing sounded a little too familiar. People started tweeting this video, which shows clips from Melania's speech and Michelle Obama's 2008 convention speech that are almost verbatim of each other. The video caused an uproar on Twitter and other social media platforms. A few days later, Melania's speechwriter, Meredith McIver released a statement taking full responsibility for the stolen phrases, claiming it was just a careless accident. In the statement, she says she offered her resignation to the Trump campaign but it wasn't accepted. Donald Trump is treating the situation like it's no big deal, evident in this tweet:

"The media is spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the FBI spent on Hillary's emails."

Day Two

1. "Hillary For Prison" and "Lock Her Up" Chants Embraced

Several speeches during the convention targeted Hillary Clinton in light of the infamous email scandal and FBI invenstigation. Speeches by Laura Ingraham and Scott Walker incited the chant, "Lock her up!" with reminders of Clinton's record of untrustworthy behavior and Walker's assertion that, "If she were any more on the inside, she would be in prison." But it was Chris Christie's speech that was perhaps the most impassioned. As a former prosecutor, he took to the stage to "hold Hillary Rodham Clinton accountable for her performance and her character." He "held court" in a sense and listed several of Clinton's acts, after each of which the crowd erupted in chants of "Guilty!" and "Lock her up!" This chant was repeated several times throughout the convention, and there was even merchandise for sale with the phrase "Hillary for Prison." It seems that if the Republican Party can agree on anything, it's that Hillary Clinton should not be president under any circumstances.

2. Trump Wins the Nomination

On day two, the convention held a roll call vote, which ended with Donald Trump as the official Republican presidential nominee. Though there was some controversy among the delegates, Trump won in a landslide. The movement known as "Never Trump" forced the roll call vote, looking for any way around nominating the controversial billionaire. The delegates from Alaska had a problem with the way the votes were counted, claiming more of their votes should have gone to Cruz, but in the end it didn't matter. The Republican Party has clearly chosen their star.

Day Three

1. Ted Cruz Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump

Ted Cruz took the stage on day three and, though everyone expected him to end the on-going feud between Trump and him with an endorsement, he made a point of not endorsing the Republican nominee, even going so far as to say, "Vote your conscience." (A quote which Hillary Clinton used to her advantage.) The former presidential candidate gave an eloquent, inspiring speech about conservative values and what the Republican Party should stand for and look for when they're voting, but he refused to say the words, "Vote for Trump." It can be assumed that Cruz has his sights set on his 2020 campaign, but right now, his odds are looking pretty slim. His lack of support has turned him into the Toby to the Republican Party's Michael Scott:

2. Marco Rubio Gives a Half-Hearted Endorsement

Though Marco Rubio did not attend the convention in person, he did tune in via a video to voice his support for the Republican nominee. His endorsement may have seemed a little empty, but, unlike Cruz, he did his part to unify the party.

Other former candidates gave their endorsement of Trump, as well, including Ben Carson and Scott Walker. Though these candidates had problems with Trump in the past, they seem to have put the needs of the country above their own agendas--even if it means supporting someone they're not particularly fond of.

3. Everyone Loves Mike Pence

Many voters were surprised by Trump's choice of a running mate, as he wasn't as well known as Trump's other possible choices, including Chris Christie. However, after Pence's speech on day two, the consensus is that the governor of Indiana will make a great V.P. During the speech, delegates erupted in chants of "We like Mike!" His speech marked him as a classic conservative with the traditional values at the core of the Party. Jim Geraghty on Twitter described him this way:

"Trusted. Familiar. Reliable. Mike Pence, the comfortable old shoe of the GOP ticket." (@jimgeraghty)

Day Four

1. The Party Reaches Out to Unlikely Voter Groups

The most unlikely speaker of the convention took the stage on day four to voice his support for Donald Trump; this speaker was openly gay Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal. Also, in Trump's acceptance speech, he made a large point that, as president, he would fight to make sure members of the LGBTQ community are protected from crimes like the Orlando nightclub shooting, and the crowd erupted in cheers and support. "As a Republican," Trump said, "it's so nice to hear you cheering at what I just said." Over all, the Republican party presented a message of acceptance and a promise of protection for the LGBTQ community unlike it has in the past.

2. Ivanka Trump Reaches Out to Millennials and Women

In a speech that stole the show on night four, Donald Trump's oldest daughter reached out to other undecided voters who might typically feel left out by the Republican Party. She opened by appealing to Millennial voters, saying that, like many people her age, she doesn't identify as a Republican or a Democrat. She then appealed to women voters by refuting the position that her father is inherently sexist. Though the Republican Party has often been accused of waging a "war on women," and Donald Trump himself has been accused of several accounts of sexism, Ivanka's speech delineated Trump's history of hiring women in management positions and his plan for solving the wage gap problem. Her speech was also greeted by enthusiastic cheers from the delegates, which shows that maybe the Republican Party cares more about these groups than we've been lead to believe.

3. Donald Trump Gives the Longest Acceptance Speech Ever

Before this year's convention, the longest presidential nominee acceptance speech in U.S. history was given by Bill Clinton, whose speech clocked in at around 64 minutes. Trump's speech, however, was a record-smashing 76 minutes. What else would we expect from arguably the most unconventional candidate we've ever seen? His speech consisted of promises to protect the USA from terror, fix the nation's trade deficit and economy, repeal Obamacare, and of course, build that infamous wall. His speech elicited cheers of "U-S-A! U-S-A!" from the crowd (and he even joined in sometimes). This long speech makes it clear that Donald Trump thinks he will make a fantastic president, and it appears the rest of the Party does, too.

The RNC was filled with unusual speakers, weird chanting, and a whole lot of controversy, but over all, it was pretty successful. The Party seems to be unified behind their presidential candidate and his platform of economic reform, immigration reform, and aggressive protection from terror.

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