If you've ever watched Miss America or Miss Universe on TV, everything looks so well prepared; the lighting, music, and the decorations. They make them look like the planning or next year's show began as soon as the queen was crowned, and the lights went out. If you understand how any of it works,you're probably a pageant girl.
It may not be every girl's desire to be in a beauty pageant, but it was mine from a very young age. I was the little girl who was crazy about tiaras and makeup. I loved everything about dresses, and high heels, and having all eyes on me. I admired the princesses in the movies my whole life. Ariel, Cinderella, Belle, you name them, I loved them. I loved them so much, I became one. My dream finally came true, only instead of a princess, I was a queen. A pageant queen.
If you're not interested in this sort of thing, you're probably about to close my article, but just hold on. This story isn't about how glamorous and high class doing a pageant is. I wouldn't know, I've only been in one. This is about how a pageant brought me to the most down to earth, genuine and beautiful girls I've ever known. The true princesses. My best friends.
The OVAC Queen of Queens pageant wasn't much to my concern until my senior year of high school. I'd actually never even been to the annual pageant until I was in it. The pageant was a part of the Rudy Mumley OVAC All Star Football Classic. Every year in July, qualified players from every school in the Ohio valley, are chosen to play one last high school football game. The players are split into two teams: Ohio and West Virginia, since the Ohio valley lies on the border of the two states. There weren't just football players though; there were cheerleaders, band members, coaches, honorees, and the queens.
y the time February came to a close, sign ups for the pageant were recognized with the morning announcements at my high school. Depending on how many senior girls signed up, there'd either be a small competition consisting of an open interview question, a talent, and evening wear portion, that's how it went at every school that participated, at least I think. If there weren't enough sing ups for a competition, one lucky girl would get the opportunity to represent the school in the Queen of Queens pageant. My senior year, out of three hopefuls, that girl was me.
The pageant was the only thing I'd looked forward to since the day I won at my school. All those childhood fantasies were suddenly reality and I couldn't wait! Before long, the events leading up to the big day began. Meetings, pictures, dinners, car washes, rehearsals...and then finally, the week we'd been waiting for began. I had blown nearly three paychecks on dresses, shoes, jewelry, a fake tan, and to have my hair and makeup done. I spent hours upon hours preparing the song I was singing. I actually had to take a break the few days leading up to it because my voice was so raspy. Everything was steam cleaned and pressed. There wasn't a single rhinestone missing from my crown. I had never been so ready for anything.
What I was about to experience would become the best 5 days of the summer. Better yet, the whole year. Not because I got to look pretty or bust a high note in front of hundreds of people, but because I met the princesses i spent my entire life admiring.
I hadn't really gotten a chance to sit and talk to, or get to know the other contestants until the first rehearsal, which was a week before the pageant. Despite following a few of them on social media, and hearing about them in newspapers, or on the sports Friday news articles, I didn't know any of them. We were all just a "school" at that point. Twenty-five "schools" all crammed in a little studio room. I wasn't really worried about making friends, I've never been the least bit shy, so I knew I'd talk to one or two people.
A few of the queens stood out to me right away. There wqas Brooke, the really tan one with bleach blonde hair, Myka, the makeup guru (who i Instagram stalked so hard because she had the best eyebrows I'd ever seen), Keirstyn, the sassy one who had the best sense of humor, Bri, who was so welcoming and friendly from the get go, Kacie Jo, who had the most contagious laugh. Those are just some of the girls out of the whole twenty-five, including myself.
It was almost instantaneous that we became friends. We were all alike, but unique in our own way, and I think that's what complimented us the most.
That first night of rehearsal, it was mine and Brooke's idea to go out to eat wings afterward. I crammed into Brooke's little silver eclipse and navigated her the way. Where I'm from, it's rare to meet someone who's unfamiliar to the area. It made me laugh. We met up with the rest of them and spent the evening laughing so hard, our stomach's hurt. We shared all our embarrassing high school stories, each one taking the cake for the funniest. We went on and on comparing one stupid ex to the other. It was like a bunch of teenaged girls at a sleepover. We were so loud everyone in the restaurant was staring. None of us were nose deep in a cell phone, nothing was awkward. At that point, all of us had sort of forgotten about the pageant. Nobody was thinking about winning, or who has the most expensive shoes, the best talent. We just enjoyed each other's company...without effort, just meeting that same evening.
Throughout the week of Queen of Queens, we only got closer and closer. Brooke, Keirstyn, Myka, Bri and I ordered two huge brownie sundaes and devoured them all. Only after eating the 3rd cheeseburger I'd had that week (for some reason people think pageant queens only eat kale and low fat Greek yogurt. Not in this case!) I think we all thought we were doing the pageant stance wrong because one of us was always almost falling over our own feet. At the very beginning of the pageant, our assignment was to find a creative way to introduce ourselves to the crowd. I never knew anyone has as dirty of a mind as I did until I met them. Disclaimer: we didn't actually said those dirty things at Queen of Queens. We also shared an interest in comparing our taste in boys. Which were cute, which were creepy, which were just...no. (To our boyfriends; we know you do this, too!) We met each other's parents and explained to them who was who I don't know how many times. During the talent part of dress rehearsal, I think it was surprising just how talented each of us were to the other. Have you ever met a girl willing to give up having all the attention on her to make sure someone else had some too? I have! We screamed so loud for one another our faces were red. I cried when Bri walked off the stage after delivering her original monologue that she wrote herself.
Our nick names for one another were hilarious, although I don't even remember mine. It wasn't even like being in a pageant after awhile. It was too much fun to be competitive.
By the end of the week, I was sad to leave. I didn't want it to be over, and neither did they. I had the time of my life. I met some amazing people. I was better friends with the girls I'd met a week ago than I was with anyone to that point in my life. We knew we'd keep in touch. We knew this wouldn't be the last of our friendship.
What they didn't know was how good for me they were. Their kindness and liveliness re assured me that it is possible to meet another girl willing to give you a genuine compliment or not judge you at all. Those girls, who I'm proud to say, are still my best friends now, changed my perspective on what a friend is supposed to be all together. I wish I could have met them sooner, but I'm glad I get to share such wonderful things for the future with them. They've held my newborn son and brought me goodies in the hospital. We plan girls night out, and even if we haven't been together in months, it's like we never left each other. We've been there through break ups, plenty of tears, and plenty of achievements. I would not be surprised if one day, they stand beside me while I marry my husband.
I always miss them when they're away.
I'll never forget Queen of Queens.
One thing about the princesses in the movies; you never see one in the others story. Cinderella never went shopping with Snow White. Pocohantas never called sleeping beauty with the best news of her life. They all seem so similar, but so different at the same time. To think of it now, those fairy tales are all so boring! The girl falls in love with some insanely handsome prince and then that's it? Why does it have to be a prince? Why can't she discover what a true friend is and live happily ever after? She can; I did.
My point here; it IS possible to meet another girl so selfless and genuine because I met twenty five doing something that was made out to be all about me my entire life.
This is a thank you to Brookie, Myka, Keirstyn (keeks), Bri, Kacie and every one of you. I could do it all over again a thousand times. Thank you for restoring my faith in friendship. Forever the queens!