10 Reasons You Should Drink More Water
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10 Reasons You Should Make Drinking More Water Part Of Your New Year's Resolutions

Everyone says it, but how often do people start doing it?

10 Reasons You Should Make Drinking More Water Part Of Your New Year's Resolutions

It's the season of fresh starts and new beginnings, and the slew of new year's resolutions and vision boards have been taking up our Instagram feeds immensely. More than anything, we have seen declarations of healthier lifestyles and workout selfies, which is a really great thing; but how many people have said that they are going to start drinking more water this year?

It is no mystery that water plays a huge role in a human being's everyday life, but we clearly don't see, or say, that everyone needs to drink more of it. Thankfully, I have a mother that constantly has reminded me to keep drinking water everyday for as long as I can remember, so I've been walking around the house with a cup in my hand or taking bottles of it to school for quite some time now. Needless to say, it is one of my ultimate necessities in my everyday life, and it should be for everyone else, too.

Since this has been something I've wanted to talk about in an article, and the fact that we have just entered a new year, I am going to give you a whole list of reasons as to why you should start drinking the all-natural liquid more often. Make it a part of your new year's resolution, or even make it your one if you don't have one already; whatever the case may be, it is better to start making the best healthy habit now rather than later.

It's 60% part of you.

If you don't know this little fun fact already, your body is made up of 60% water; that's more than half of it! This shows how important it is for you to consume the natural liquid- simply because your body heavily depends on it.

Water is the BEST medicine- for anything.

Whenever I would feel the tiniest bit unwell and went to my mom, the first thing she would do is ask me if I'd been drinking water that day. This would seriously annoy me because I just wasn't feeling good, but she makes a very good point: water can be the cure to some of the simplest feelings of uneasiness. From period cramps and headaches to mood swings and nausea, all of these symptoms may be a result from dehydration. Believe it or not, water provides the cure for it all.

It's the best drink out there for you, hands down.

I would always have a cup of water with me to carry around the house at all times, plus I didn't really grow up with soda constantly in the fridge, so I never really developed the taste for it. Don't get me wrong, I can say that I am a huge fan of sugary drinks as much as the next person (I'm talking to you, apple juice and Frappuccinos), but I also can't thank my parents enough for making water our number one drink in the house growing up. Water is literally the best drink for you, so try leaving a cup of it on your bedside table right before you go to sleep or make it your go-to drink when you go out to eat with your friends- it's free anyway!

This is the healthiest habit you can make for yourself for 2019.

It's peak season for starting diets, but what a lot of people forget is how water plays a huge role in this. Not only is it important to drink lots of it around exercise time, but you have to drink tons of it throughout the day to get the results you want. Sources say that drinking water can really help with losing weight by resolving the issues of overeating. Who knew that the key to sticking with a diet was so simple?

Water may solve all your beauty problems.

Another thing that water is absolutely great for is your skin. Since your body is mostly made up of this substance, drinking tons of water every day can clear your skin and even prevent wrinkles in time. Forget the expensive skincare products and face masks and just go the all-natural route.

It can help your digestive system.

Sometimes people forget that our bodies are constantly working hard to make sure everything is in good shape, and the digestive system is no exception. Millions of people suffer from constipation or even urinary issues, whether it be once in a while or regularly, and water is one of the easiest treatments for this. Just remember this: the more often you drink water, the more "regular" you become.

Without it, you could die.

I hate to break it to you, but without water, human beings wouldn't be able to live. Since it literally makes up more than half of our bodies, and takes up two-thirds of Earth's matter, we are simply stuck with the fact that we can't live without drinking it from time to time. Talk about dependency.

It is vital for athletes when working out.

It's no brainer that whether you're just on the treadmill at the gym or running in a 5K marathon that you need to bring water with you. As you're perspiring in your body's natural way of cooling yourself down, you're also becoming more dehydrated by the minute. In order to replace the fluids that are coming out of your body, as well as replacing the electrolytes that you've been pumping out, water is the super-juice that will keep the well-oiled (well, watered, I should say) machine running smoothly.

It can prevent cancer.

Going back to reason #2, water is the solution for more than just a few problems, but it can also prevent disease. Drinking lots of water every day can lower the chances of developing bladder cancer and can even strengthen your immune system. The best part about all of this is that it's such an easy and everyday way to prevent the bad stuff from happening later on, so spread the good word to drink the good stuff!

 It can improve your college life.

Think about it: college is one of the most stressful times in our lives and it seems like headaches and sickness happen more often than not. A big part of the problem is dehydration, simply because us college students forget we have to keep drinking the stuff on the daily. Make it a habit to carry a water bottle with you around campus, or better yet, buy a Swell or Hydro Flask so you make sure you're making water a part of your everyday life. Whatever works for you, invest in it, because water is just as much a part of you as anything else in the world.

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