Last Thursday, baseball fans got a surprise as they watched the St. Louis Cardinals and Los Angeles Angels game. As St. Louis Cardinals’ pitcher was about to throw a ball, a random, frightened cat scurried his way across the field. Does this surprise anyone?
Cats crack me up. They’re hilariously dumb and cute, are they not? Having a cat as a pet is honestly a privilege. If you don’t believe me, here are some examples of why cats deserve the best pet award.
1. Cats have their own language
We’ve all seen those videos of cats making that awkward groaning noise and their owners laughing because their cats are “talking.” This video is by far the best “cat talking” video out there, I’m telling ya. Who knows why the cat’s making this noise. I sure don’t know. But I do know it’s hilariously funny.
2. Cats can’t find their way out of a plastic bag.
This cat had an unfortunate fate when he got himself stuck in a plastic bag. Let’s be honest, though, this cat has some crazy aerial skills.
3. Cats love sharing with their owner.
Cats just want to share with you. They'll bring you a dead bird they found outside and you'll give them something in return. All this cat wants is some milk that he and his owner can share. How sweet. He definitely can’t take no for an answer, though…
4. Cats are jumpy.
Look up “Cat scared by _____” and I guarantee there will be a video of it. Why are cats so scared of random objects? I don’t know...but here’s a video of a cat afraid of a cucumber!
5. Cats will tolerate anything.
Maybe you’re hesitant to get a cat because you’re not sure how it will get along with your other pets. Have no fear! Cats will tolerate anything. Will they like it? No. But this video proves that cats don’t mind hanging out with other furry (or feathery) friends!
(until your bird starts being REAL annoying, that is)
6. Cats are cuddlers.
They’ll cuddle with you while you watch TV or while you sleep at night. But hey, they’ll also cuddle with you while you’re getting ready in the morning and brushing your teeth! What other pet is this loyal and clingy?
7. Cats fit anywhere.
Worried about where your cat might rest when you’re not home? You don’t want cat hair all over your laundry or on your black comforter. That’s okay! Cats will fit into anything and enjoy it. In a more extreme case, this cat loves chilling in this fishbowl.
Cats are exceptional pets who will bring laughs to your home daily. Hundreds of owners have had the joy in owning a cat who does the weirdest stuff. They're loyal, cuddly, and crazy pets that everyone should have!