With recruitment just around the corner it’s time to start preparing for Littles! Yes, I know Littles are a long way away but, like many other Little-less sisters the thought of getting a Little is not so far off. The curiosity of what she will be like and who she will be is intense. I can tell you right now no matter who she is I already love her. Even though my Little will not see this for a while, I would like to make her the following promises.
Little, I Promise...
You will get a full blow Big/Little that’s week all about you!
You only get one Big/Little week so I will make it count. For the whole week my focus will be on you and making sure you love your Big/Little week. I will try to make all of your gifts just how you would want them, and personalize as much as I can. My goal is for you to be as excited as I was when I got my Big.
To spoil you all the time.
One thing you will learn is I love to spoil people, and you will be no exception.
All the coffee dates you could wish for.
I am always up for a cup of coffee but getting one with you, Little, would be even better. We can try all the coffee places in Pocatello and find our coffee shop. Although I am a lover of Dutch Bros., if it’s Starbucks you want, then Starbucks you shall have.
All the family dates you want.
If you want to do things with the whole family I will make it happen. I will never stop you from having a relationship with the rest of the family. These dates can be whatever you would like them to be, we are up for anything.
That you can come to me with all of your boy problems.
If you if you need to talk about boy stuff I will always be there. No matter what it is I will listen and I will not judge. Boys are dumb and you may need someone to remind you of that from time to time.
You can come to me with anything.
If you're roommate is driving you crazy or you just need a break I will be there. If you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to, I am your girl. Take advantage of it, Bigs are the best listeners...every Little can tell you that.
Love you like the little sister I never had.
As you will learn, I did not have a little sister, so you are it. Having you as my Little means more than just having a Little in the sorority, it means having a real little sister. I will love and care for you as if you were my real sister.
To be the best Big I can be.
I have an amazing example of what a Big should be like. Your G-Big is amazing and you are lucky to have her. I hope that I am able to be as good of a Big to you as my Big is for me. I will always do my best to be the Big that you need me to be.
Little, you are perfect and I cannot wait to meet you!!