Although this video is supposed to be comical, it actually poses an important topic — self-love. Before we get to the crucial stats, what exactly is self-love? Can you achieve it by reading inspirational stories? Is it a state of mind or a mood? Can it only be obtained by exuding egotism? Will a relationship help you love yourself more? Although these all seem to enhance; you cannot grow in self-love through any of the above. Self-love is an appreciation for yourself, which helps build your physical, spiritual and psychological growth. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, self-love is a “regard for one’s own happiness." Although self-love may be hard to attain, it is critical that at one point, one learns to love themselves for who they truly are.
Research shows that self-love is vital in today's society, especially among young women and teenage girls. According to a National Report on Self-Esteem, which was commissioned in 2008, 98 percent of girls feel there is an immense pressure from external sources to look a certain way. Fifty-three percent of American girls at the age of 13 feel unhappy with their bodies, which grows to 78 percent when they reach the age of 17 (National Institute on Media and the Family). Now self-love doesn’t consist of only girls. Thirty-eight percent of boys in middle school and high school confess that they have used protein supplements, and 6 percent have admitted to trying steroids because they are unhappy with their body. And these stats don’t end with teenagers. Eighty percent of children under the age of 10 are afraid of becoming “fat” by society’s standards. These statistics are too devastating and unfortunate for us not to do anything about them. Let’s make a change, and see ourselves as the wonderful people we truly are.
Why is self-love important?
- Self-love is an essential part of someone’s life, and it gives you more inner stability when something may go wrong in your life. You’ll become less needy, and work better in relationships with others. Plus, you’ll have more confidence and be happy with yourself, which is the best reward ever!! :)
How can I improve my own self-love?
- There are many different ways to improve self-love, and each person has their own special way that works for them.
- One of the most popular ways to improve self-love is taking a one or two-minute self-appreciation break.
- During this break, try to point out at least three things that you can appreciate about yourself. If you want, you can do this daily, and write it down in a journal or on the computer. Then when you have a bad day, you can look back on all of the amazing things you have to offer.
- Let go of perfectionism.
- It’s great to strive for the best, but it can destroy your self-esteem because you may become afraid of not living up to a certain standard. Unless you tell yourself that even though you’re not perfect, and that it’s OK, your feelings about yourself will increasingly become negative.
- Be kinder toward others.
- Little actions such as holding the door open for the next person, or simply just letting someone vent to you can help you become a happier person. Really focus on being kind in your daily life, and I promise you that you will notice a difference in how you perceive yourself. Courtesy and tenderness are very good traits to have, and, believe it or not, but making others happy actually makes you a happier person in the long run!
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
- When you compare yourself, you can never win. There will always be someone who has more or is better than you at something in this world. Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself. Look at how far you’ve come, and your great results. Look at your improvements and focus on yourself. This helps motivate you and improve your self-esteem at the same time.
Want more information on self-love? Here are some good websites/sources: -