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The Picky Eater: 25 Foods You Definitely Hate

If you refuse to eat the majority of the foods on this list, then you're most likely a picky eater.

Foods picky eaters tend to avoid such as condiments
Sade Yinger

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You're probably used to everyone giving you a hard time for being "too picky". But let's be honest, we like what we like and we stick to it! Every time I try and venture outside my comfort zone I end up regretting it and disliking my food choice. Whether it's the smell, texture, or tase...if something is off, I won't eat it. All pickers unite and stick to the safest option out there: chicken tenders and fries.

Here are 25 foods that you probably hate if you're a picky eater.

1. Mushrooms

A group of mushrooms on a table

Something about the rubbery texture PLUS the fact that it's a fungus? No thank you.

2. Pickles

A jar of pickles

I am not a fan of any vinegary foods, too sour.

3. Peppers

Yellow, red and orange peppers

Red, green, yellow; no matter the color, the flavor remains unpleasant to my taste buds.

4. Tomatoes

A bunch of tomatoes

I'll take a BLT please, minus the T. Squishy, watery tomatoes ruin every dish in my opinion.

5. Spinach

A bowl of spinach

Spinach tastes like a dirty leaf that someone plucked from the ground.

6. Seafood

Fish, crabs, shrimp and shells in a pile of seafood

The smell itself is enough to turn anyone away from eating it.

7. Coconut

Coconut broken open

The texture of coconut ruins any dessert, who wants a stringy piece of coconut stuck between their teeth?

8. Mustard

Mustard on a hot dog

Mustard just has a funky taste to it that nothing can mask.

9. Olives

A bowl of olives

Olives have a certain bitterness to them that I can't get past.

10. Avocados


Despite the craze for avocados, I find them to be too bland.

11. Cottage cheese

A bowl of cottage cheese

Spoiled, rotten milk? Doesn't sound too appealing to me.

12. Brussels sprouts

Brussel sprouts

Again, unless these suckers are masked with tons of butter they are not tasty at all.

13. Celery

Celery sticks

A stringy, watery vegetable with relatively no flavor. Why even bother?

14. Cream cheese

Cream cheese on a bagel

Cream cheese is too rich and slightly sour for my liking.

15. Anything spicy

Spicy red peppers

How am I supposed to enjoy a dish if my mouth is burning the whole time?

16. Sushi


Certain sushi rolls are either too bland, too fishy, or too raw for my liking.

17. Blueberries


The skin on these berries turn me away, as well as the sour taste.

18. Toast that's too "toasty"

Burnt toast


My toast goes in the toaster for a short amount of time to avoid the smell and taste of it being burnt.

19. Peas


The little mush balls smell and look almost as bad as they taste.

20. Coleslaw



It's basically a soupy salad, the whole concept is a little weird to me.

21. Grits


So mushy and flavorless, I don't know how people can enjoy them.

22. Raisins



I think we all ignore them in trail mix. Why do they even bother?

23. Refried beans

Refried beans


Again, just way too mushy and flavorless. The appearance alone makes me want to throw it straight in the trash.

24. Anything sour


My taste buds can't handle the bitterness and acidic flavors of anything sour.

25. Black licorice

Black licorice


Candy is supposed to be sweet, but black licorice just has a certain flavor that makes it unappealing.

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