Sometimes it’s better to just let go. You’re constantly told that you have to hang on for the things you want in life; that not giving up on them makes you a stronger person. You’re taught to never be a quitter. But sometimes, letting go is the only way you can save yourself. When something doesn’t feel right anymore, when you find that a day can’t go by without shedding tears, it’s okay to turn away and look elsewhere. You make one effort to fix it, if none at all, and if it doesn’t change then stop. You gave it your best and it wasn’t enough. It’s not a loss, but an opportunity to experience something different.
Your expectations, needs, and wants are important. They should always be sought after. Never settle on something that you aren’t absolutely content with. The world considers us fighters when we hold on to the things we want. I don’t think that’s right. We shouldn’t wait around on something hoping that it will work out the way we would like it to. Time is valuable so we should be investing it where it is honored. We should be considered fighters when we find the strength to move on and look for something that matches our effort.
Why is it so hard to let go and walk away? I think it’s because most of us are scared of the unknown. Deep down inside we’re afraid of being wrong. We’re stuck wondering whether or not there really is anything better than what we have now. We don’t want to regret the decision we make. It’s this fear that keeps us tied down to something we don’t truly want. It comes down to the fact that most of us are afraid of feeling alone.
There was a point in time that I thought I’d found something that was everything I’d ever wanted. However, as I continued to grow as a person, my point of view changed and I grew unattached. I stopped liking this thing as much as I once had. I found myself wishing for something different. For a long time, I was too scared to walk away. I wasn’t content, but I felt accustomed to it so I thought that was good enough. Then, I had a realization.
Just because I am familiar with something, doesn’t mean it has to remain an attachment. Just because moving on means starting over doesn’t make it wrong. Just because I might miss what I had shouldn’t make it scary. I realized that walking away doesn’t make me weak. No, walking away makes me strong. It could be the type of experience that becomes an adventure. It could lead me toward something greater.
Change isn’t an easy thing to accept. However, I’d rather endure the uncertainty of change than the unhappiness of settling on something that causes me distress. Sometimes, you have to let go of what you think you feel in order to focus on what you actually deserve. Initially it can be very hard, but eventually, the door you close will remain shut without a second thought. In time, another door will appear; swinging open and offering you so much more than you ever had before.