November 9th Can Be A Day Of Rebuilding
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November 9th Can Be A Day Of Rebuilding

If you're in, tweet #StandTogetherNovember9 and let's show the world how it's done.

November 9th Can Be A Day Of Rebuilding

On November 8th, Americans will exercise our right and privilege to vote. Local, state and national elections will be held in all 50 states. In an election year that has been one of the most divisive we have ever seen, I wonder what will happen on November 9th, 2016? I'm not talking about winners and losers. I'm wondering if we will come together to work together and make America a better place for everyone or if we will continue to be divided by political parties, social classes, and race.

Will the so-called 'deplorable' Trump supporters riot if Hillary Clinton is elected? Will the Democrats plan to undermine a President Trump? Will Gary Johnson supporters overwhelm Twitter with calls for a Congressional intervention? Here's what I hope and pray for.

I hope and pray that no matter who wins or loses any of the elections, especially the Presidential election, we will come together in a familiar way as we did after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and put our differences aside. I hope we will respect the offices of each new and reelected leader regardless of whether we voted for him or her.

I watched the show "Black Mirror" last night on Netflix with my wife. It was the episode where a crude cartoon character named Waldo ran for political office and practically started a revolutionary protest vote in the U.K. It was eerie how closely it depicted the Presidential race here in America this year. People are, excuse me here, pissed off at what we call the political establishment. We are tired of the status quo and political correctness and the corruption. We are tired of the two-party dominance over American politics and we are tired of the grid-lock in Congress. This is all warranted. But I emphatically urge us all to take a step back on November 9th, even if the election is still up in the air as to who won, and make the difficult decision to put others first, to see their importance and value even if they disagree with us. November 9th can be a day of destruction or a day of rebuilding; it's up to us, not the candidates necessarily. We must hold true to our convictions and principles, but we don't have to force, disrupt, or destroy people we disagree with.

A new poll from Monmouth University shows that the heated, ugly and thankfully-almost-over campaign is fraying the human bonds that hold society together. Things have gotten so bad that 1 in 14 Americans have ended a friendship because of a political disagreement during this electoral version of Celebrity Death Match. (

True unity comes from the heart of an individual and the same is true for a state or a nation. America needs change, but it won't come from the top, no matter who wins the Presidency. Change must come from We the People and that means we have to have hearts of love and respect for one another, not hate and rage. Nothing good ever comes from hate. Unity, however, is one of the strongest forces on earth. Do you think George Washington and John Adams agreed on everything? Of course not, but differences were placed aside to accomplish a common goal of building America on the principle of freedom. We can do the same.

We can either have a new cold civil war or we can stand united under the American flag, one nation under God (or if you don't believe in God than under moral law), and build bridges so that we can accomplish the tasks at hand. It is up to you and me. November 9th 2016, January 20th 2017 when the new President will be sworn into office, and the next 4 years should be years where Americans put people before politics, principles before political party, and respect for leadership before personal offenses. You don't have to compromise your convictions to stand in unity. It only requires the strength and courage to put others before yourself. We can hold our leaders accountable while respecting the dignity of their office and we can debate views without letting hate get a grip and divide friendships, families, and communities.

In this year of hard-fought political races and high frustrations, I hope you will join me in calling for respect and unity. We can agree to disagree and work together to find common principles and effective solutions to meet the needs of our communities and our country. Let's do this.

It's time to rebuild, not destroy. If you're in, tweet #StandTogetherNovember9 and let's show the world how it's done.

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