I Never Want to Hear "Me Too" Again
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I Never Want to Hear "Me Too" Again

Time is absolutely up...

I Never Want to Hear "Me Too" Again
via Flickr

Sexual assault is not a joke. It is not something to be taken lightly. It seems to be everywhere: from sports to Hollywood, to the very walls of colleges and universities, to seemingly every career imaginable. Sexual assault, abuse, misconduct, whatever registers in your head the most, is everywhere.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this problem because it’s really hit close to home this past couple of months. After moving to New York City for school, I’ve had people close to me experience this horrific thing that has seemed to plague our society prominently for centuries.

Unfortunately, these survivors have only recently had the chance to speak up, instead of being dismissed by others who say sexual assault isn’t actually happening, or is just in their heads, or could potentially ruin their career if they speak out or say no.

People like Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K, Larry Nassar, Aziz Ansari, James Franco, and Kevin Spacey have multiple counts of sexual assault against them, that have only recently come out. The “Me Too” movement has emerged as this powerful force among women’s rights, and among human rights.

I never again want to hear the words “me too.” I never want to scroll through Facebook and see my friends, my friends’ sisters and brothers, and my friends’ mothers posting about their experience with sexual assault because sexual assault shouldn’t even exist.

I shouldn’t have to come back from Thanksgiving Break to hear a horrific story of abuse from someone who I consider to be family. I shouldn’t have to hear from a close friend about molestation, about someone touching them inappropriately.

I should not have to hear statements from Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber, and so many other women who were abused and manipulated under the care of Larry Nassar as the United States Gymnastics Team doctor. I should not have to hear over one hundred women come forward to say Harvey Weinstein either raped, molested, or abused them while they were in pursuit of a successful career.

Time is absolutely up. Time is up for the abusers, the predators, the horrible, evil people that plague our world with abuse, assault, manipulation. Time is up for the imbalance in the workplace for women. Time is up for sexual assault. Time is up for injustice against those trying to better themselves, and being taken advantage of.

I am angry. I am sad. I am confused as to why sexual assault still exists. To me, sexual assault, for the longest time, was something that never happened where I was from. And if it did, no one would ever believe the survivor who was brave enough to come forward and say something.

Consequences were scarce for those who sexually assaulted others. It was taken lightly and ignored a lot of the time. Now, in the time that our society has been in, more and more brave survivors of sexual assault are coming forward to share their experience, and make sure it never happens again, to them, or to anyone else.

If any of you reading are a survivor of sexual assault: you are an amazing person. You are so brave, to have experienced something traumatic, and still be standing, on your feet, continuing your life like the incredible, brave person you are.

If you experiencing sexual assault, or you know someone who has experienced sexual assault, the National Sexual Assault Hotline is available 24 hours a day, so please call 1-800-656-4673 if you feel you are experiencing sexual assault.

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