24 Things I'll Miss About Living In The Sorority House | The Odyssey Online
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24 Things I'll Miss About Living In The Sorority House

A year isn't long enough

24 Things I'll Miss About Living In The Sorority House
Shea Ward

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I remember last year moving out of the dorms thinking how am I going to live with not just one or two but FIFTY girls next year and a year later here I am dreading moving out in three weeks. This year has by far been the best experience of my life and I am not ready to give it up.

PS: Once you've lived with 50 girls, you can live with pretty much anyone.

1. Coming home from class to 3 people in your bed

You can forget about that nap you were going to take

2. Going on late night McDonalds Coke runs

Or in my case McDonalds sweet tea runs...

3. Racing 50 girls down 4 flights of stairs at 4:59 for dinner at 5:00

Which is even more of an olympic event for Friday BRUNCH

4. Having to close the door on the delivery guy before you sign the receipt because the alarm will go off

Always awkward

5. Scaring people in the shower

I've learned to shave really fast because this happens to ALL of us CONSTANTLY, no one is exempt.

6. and getting scared by the fake rat...

For weeks all the girls on the third floor would prank each other by hiding this life size red eye rat EVERYWHERE. From Lauren's sheets to inside the washer it has gotten all of us. Has scared me quite a few times but the WORST was when I was in the shower for a solid couple minutes before I looked up and saw the rat HANGING by its tail from the shower curtain rod.

7. Bachelor watch parties and movie nights in the TV room

The best weekly tradition.

8. Sneaking down to the snack room at 1am

Hoping that Bryan put the leftover dessert in there

9. Having someone close by at all times to share memes with

Even though my friends only laugh at mine 3/10 times

10. Always having people to be productive with

Going downstairs to the study rooms or TV room together to work on homework, study for exams, make next years schedule, etc.

11. Or always having people around to help you procrastinate

Sometimes you just need a few friends to help you procrastinate for an hour or six.

12. Going on everyone else's errand runs, "just for the ride"

"Do you need anything from Ulta?"

"No, but I'll come for the ride"

*Walking down the hall*

"Where are you guys gong?"

"To ul-" "Yeah I'll come"

13. Getting ready for a night out and having 30 closets to choose from

Not to mention everything else you can steal and borrow from your friends, q-tips. curling irons, setting spray.

14. Fighting over the corner shower

Because we all prefer the same one

15. Catching rides to class

To avoiding the CATA bus

16. and returning the favor

Picking your friends up when they're stranded

17. Eating the chefs 5 star meals instead of struggling to make your own

and if you have to cook your own meals next year because you don't have a Bryan well then good luck Charlie.

18. Coming home to sticky notes, letters, candy and presents on your desk

From your girl gang

19. Gathering a group of girls to convince the rest of your friends to go out

Convince...force...same thing.

20. Waiting for the house mom to come home so you can fill her in on your day 

Somewhere along the line Irene became my best friend <3

21. Hiding in the stair well listening to the house mom yell at second floor 

22. And then running to your room and locking the door because you know that third floor is next

23. Trading anything and everything for quarters so you can do laundry

Quarters in a sorority house is like cigarettes in prison

24. Coming home to your best friends

My favorite memories in the house are the small moments, sitting in bed talking to my friends for 4 hours straight, the constant laughter, an amazing support system to 360 your mood in .2 seconds. Having people to tell everything to and do everything with, being present and in the moment and together, all the time, always. I am so blessed to have the friends I do and to have been able to live in and make the memories that we have together, nationals may put a price on it but my friendships and the memories I've made are PRICELESS.

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