Loud on Twitter, Quiet In The Booths
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Loud on Twitter, Quiet In The Booths

Is the youth is subconsciously hindering the nation?

Loud on Twitter, Quiet In The Booths

America, we have a problem. Since the dawn of social media, people have been impulsively posting every question, rant and unnecessary statement they can conjure into 140 characters or less. However like it or not, social media has provided us with the ability to accomplish many feats. We have a voice now that can be heard by not just those physically around us, but by practically any geographic location we desire.

In 2016 two things are evident: the youths run the internet, and boy are we loud on it. We use the internet either simplistically, to post relatively insignificant things like complaints or a selfie. Or we use it strategically, to inform people coast to coast about political and social issues. We tend to call this being "woke".

Right now we are in an election year, obviously. Thus every where you look there is propaganda. Whether you're on the way to McDonalds and you see a Trump sign in the grass, or you're listening to Pandora and suddenly Hillary Clinton is cooing to you about the cost of education, or most relevent, scrolling through your social media accounts.

However there is a mojor issue that needs to be adressed: the youth is loud on Twitter but oh so very quiet in the booths.

Is it only Twitter? Of course not, it's every where. Look no further, here are some examples of what can be seen daily.

The bottom line is this, the youth is undoubtley the most powerful age group in this nation. Period. We're ambitious, we're loud, and most signifigantly we are young. That in it of itself is power. We essenitally are balls of fire waiting to engulf the world with our creativity and itellect, and we'll be on this earth for quite some time. Now all of this is great, monumental even, who wouldnt want to have the power to change the world? If this is the case though, why is it that we have opinions galore about political issues, and yet the youth has had the lowest voter turnout ever recorded in the past 40 years.

Way to go team. . .

Currently and even in the last election with President Obama, there is not a day or even an hour that goes by where you don't scroll through Twitter, Facebook, or even Instagram and see numerous post either outlandishly bashing one canidiate, or overtly glorifying the other. Voicing opinions isn't the problem, for we are all entitled to our first amendment civil liberties, and are certainly endowed by "certain unalienable rights". Well we should be, but ask the black community and thats not the case. That's another article for another day though...

A critical neccessity in this 2016 presidential election is that the youth need to get off their butts and vote. No discusisions, no if and's or but's about it. We have a power and we need to use it. Never before has there been an election more crucial in our history. Never. If the youth only vote in one presidential election in their entire lives (I do not encourage this), THIS is the election to do so. We have such great power, our vote is our voice and it's about time we use it.

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