Have you ever wanted to find new music to listen to that’s similar to music by artists you already like? Sure, YouTube has a “You Might Like” section on its homepage as well as a “Related Videos” column, but I’ve found that these are never guaranteed to suggest music that I actually end up liking. The other day, however, I just so happened to stumble upon a website I’ve never even heard of before called Live Plasma.
This site prompts you to type in the name of an artist or band. Once you press enter, a web of different artists and bands will pop up surrounding the one you typed in. To listen to an artist, you can hover over the bubble and select either “only” or “similar.” “Only” will cause songs only by that artist to play in the sidebar, whereas “similar” will create a playlist of songs from artists with a similar music style. In addition, clicking on an individual bubble will make a new set of bubbles appear around it, some of which were there previously and some that are new. You can shuffle through different segments of the web to your heart's content or simply check out songs by one or two artists. I find this website to be an amazing way to browse music that you might be interested in, and it’s fun just to see the variety of different artists that pop up in the web.
Another great aspect of this website is the fact that it loads quickly; you don't have to deal with buffering or even ads. Sadly, there is not yet an app for it, but personally I've found that Live Plasma provides suggestions that fit better with my tastes than, say, Pandora.
In addition to music suggestions, Live Plasma’s homepage also has tabs for books and movies. I haven’t tried either of these functions out, but if it’s something you’d be interested in, I’d encourage you to check it out! Whether you're a fan of classic rock, heavy metal, country, indie, or techno, you're bound to find some new music that you end up loving. Likewise, if you're an avid reader or movie watcher, this website is a great way for you to discover new books and films!