Let me begin by saying that I have the most supportive parents in the world. When I was growing up they did everything in their power to be involved in my life. My parents are those people that were at every single game, regardless of how far away it was or if it was the middle of the week. They never missed a band concert or award ceremony. If one of my parents couldn’t make it to an event that I was a part of, they apologized like crazy, even though it didn’t bother me when they had other obligations. Long story short, my parents would come to support me even if I told them not to.
I decided to go to a college that is two hours away from home. For me, this was just enough distance, but also close enough that I can go home if I need to. For my parents, this means that they can visit pretty much whenever they feel like it. Some people, myself included, would say that this is a blessing. I’m not sure if others might alternatively call it a curse, but they might definitely say that they would rather be much farther from home. Why? Because parents cramp our style.
College is the place where we get to spread our wings and fly. We also get to do whatever we please without the guidance of our parents. When parents do visit, it’s kind of weird having them around. It feels like your freedom is limited. You can’t always just go to a party with your friends while the family is in town. You can’t even do your homework for that matter due to family obligations. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing my parents. However, sometimes it feels like I’m the only one whose parents are around so often. Is it cramping my style? Sometimes, but not always. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Time with my family is just as important as time with my friends at school. They will not be around forever, and nobody loves me more than they do. Parents are goofy, embarrassing, and not always up with the times, but they are so supportive. They will go out of their way to do anything for their children. Be thankful for them, and appreciate the time that they devote to you. Let them cramp your style, because you’ll miss it when they don’t.