I never thought I’d find myself in a long distance relationship. From friends I’ve known in the past, I’ve learned that long distance can be difficult and lonely. I never thought I’d experience these things in full effect -- but that's exactly what happened. Living 20 hours away from the person I love is not fun, and I find myself missing him more with each passing day. The experience, in its entirety, has not been all bad, however. Here are a few things I have learned during the time I’ve experienced in a long distance relationship.
1. Communication can be difficult.
When you’re miles and miles away, clear communication is not easy to come by. Tones and intentions can be easily misconstrued over texts, calls, and social media, so clarifying these things can take a while. Being in a long distance relationship has taught me to be mindful of my words and how others might interpret them. Distance is challenging, but it is not a problem.
2. The heart does grow fonder.
I always thought that being away from someone for months at a time could only meant that growing apart and moving on was inevitable. I’m happy to say that what I’ve learned is the opposite. With every passing day, I miss dumb jokes and silly adventures with my significant other more and more. Being apart has made me fall in love all over again.
3. Sometimes, you get a little jealous of other couples.
No joke, when my boyfriend and I are apart I CANNOT STAND other couples. Their constant PDA and sweet nothings stir up a tinge of jealousy within me. I found myself often thinking how unfair it was that other people got to be with the ones they love while I’m stuck with being too far away from the one I do. The worst is when these couples complain that they miss their own significant other, after parting ways only to use the bathroom or go home for the night. I’m sorry that must be so horrible for you…try months apart!
4. It’s OK to be a little bit pathetic.
If you’re in a long distance relationship, let me tell you this: You have every right to be a little pathetic. When a song, movie, or even a tree reminds you of someone who lives too far away for a visit, you go ahead and cry those tears and mope around all day. When the world keeps moving around you, it’s hard to accept that yours is still on hold until they get back. People will make fun of you and tease constantly about how lame you are, but who cares? They probably don't know what it's like to miss someone.
5. There is no greater feeling than being reunited.
Being apart is agonizing and lonely, and, the majority of the time that’s all you focus on in a long distance relationship. The best feeling in the world is seeing someone after a long period of time apart. It’s a mix of smiles that make you look like a crazy person, people around you all but gagging at how cute you are, and constantly touching the person to make sure they're actually there and not some sort of cruel mirage. In all, finally seeing the person you’ve spent so much time missing makes all the distance count for something.