iPhone 7 Prototype Lost at Sea After Engineer Tries to Take Selfie with Endangered Dolphin | The Odyssey Online
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iPhone 7 Prototype Lost at Sea After Engineer Tries to Take Selfie with Endangered Dolphin

"The next iPhone might be waterproof, so this could actually be a pretty fruitful test," said Apple's Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi.

iPhone 7 Prototype Lost at Sea After Engineer Tries to Take Selfie with Endangered Dolphin

SANTA TERESITA, ARGENTINA- A vacationing Apple engineer dropped the only IPhone 7 prototype in existence into the Atlantic Ocean last week after trying to take a selfie with two baby dolphins that swam too close to the beach.

Two baby Franciscan dolphins swam too close to the shores near Buenos Aires and were subsequently picked out of the water by curious beachgoers.

The Apple prototype apparently slipped out of the engineer's hands during the ensuing selfie chaos and landed in the sand, where it was then carried away into the ocean by a wave.

Onlooker Francisco Fernandez said that the engineer had a "weird-looking iPhone," and that he was "super pissed after he realized he didn't have his phone."

"This is certainly a setback for us," said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a statement. "That was literally the only iPhone 7 in existence. It's okay, though because we have a metric f*ckton of money to build another one. Seriously. I wipe my ass with Benjamins."

In a Twitter post, Apple CFO Luca Maestri said, "We have to build a whole new #Iphone7 prototype ugh #seriously #screwthosedolphins"

There is no word on whether or not the engineer is still employed by Apple.

The iPhone 7 is rumored to have the same screen sizes as this current generation, but will reportedly be thinner. So much so, in fact, that it will be completely devoid of a headphone jack. It is also expected to have a 12-megapixel camera, with over 200 gigabytes of storage to back it up. iOS 10 will also come pre-installed on the iPhone 7, with an Apple A10 processor providing the power.

Because it's so thin and sleek, it is believed that the iPhone 7 is tough to hold in one's hand, which could be the reason why this vacationing Apple engineer lost it in the sea.

"The next iPhone might be waterproof, so this could actually be a pretty fruitful test," said Apple's Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi. "If anyone finds the prototype in the Atlantic Ocean, please get it back to us at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California."

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