Poetry On Odyssey: Racial Inequality In The United States
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Poetry On Odyssey: Racial Inequality In The United States

Why people need to realize that racism is alive and well.

Poetry On Odyssey: Racial Inequality In The United States

As my generation was deemed "spoiled brats who did not get their way"

In true spoiled brat fashion I will say what I want anyway

I have written several poems about racial tension

However, I received few views because of what was written in them

I am tired of writing about the inequality in the "land of the free"

I am tired of hearing "Get over it" when this country still hates me

I am tired of being punished for my melanin

As if being blessed with chocolate skin is a sin

When can our souls show who we are within?

When can our hair, elevated as kinky crowns above our heads

Be looked at with respect and acknowledged instead?

When can I stop hearing someone of color was shot dead?

Little African girls are ashamed of the color of their skin

Then they grow, their daughters think the same, and the cycle begins

I say African because black is a color

I know nothing about my African heritage or my culture

You see ignorant people will tell me to get over slavery

Yet my people are enslaved everyday you see

Every time I hear a person of color was shot

Every time I see an unlawful stop and frisk on my block

Every time there is an unlawful arrest

Every time an African American or Hispanic is put to death

Every time I am told to not be the angry "Black girl" or that I am aggressive because of my face

Every time a white person says they hate my race

Every time you want to touch my damn hair

Or stare in my face like I am an exhibit

Like by now you should know how to conduct yourselves, get with it

Every time you call us ghetto and stereotype us

Yet you try so hard to be like us when you appropriate us

Don't want to live with us until rich white men want to come and gentrify us

Every time I make 63 cents to a male's dollar

Every time a former inmate won't get hired

Every time you make fun of our appearance

Every time you hail the confederacy

Or Robert E. Lee

Yet I am supposed to get over slavery

You try so hard to abide by the Constitution and your freedom of speech

Yet your arguments are imbecilic and weak

How about you get over your white supremacy?

Others who have shared your principles have failed miserably

Oh but what does a descendant of a slave know?

I know that I am still judged for the color of my skin

Despite how others claim they do not see it in the world we are living in

I know that although I am an abiding citizen

My rights will be terminated instantly

My degree won't matter when the barrel of a gun is pointed at me

Only in America can you be thousands of dollars in debt due to your education

Then slain like cattle without hesitation

So I will get over slavery when I see a change

Oh wait, I have four more years of tyranny! How insane!

When the one percent run the country and act like brainwashed twits

Yet the poor kids of the ghetto have more wits

When I know more about the Constitution than the President of the United States

When Muslims can stop being discriminated against because they were a hijab, or a burka and appear to be a threat

Then I will contemplate getting over it, but

Clearly anyone can be a terrorist and claim that their First Amendment rights are being encroached upon

However, the difference is the privilege of being white and

Getting away with your negative actions because of the color of your skin

What is the point of having law enforcement who are not enforcing the law?

While others ask themselves how can white supremacy still exist in 2017 at all?

How can anyone say that they see both sides?

What is there to see about a Confederate flag that supported the enslavement of my ancestors being waved around freely?

While innocent African American men are imprisoned saying "free me"

As a Criminal Justice major where is the justice?

When the whole system is corrupt and set against us?

Yes, all lives do matter, but

We are here to remind you that African American lives do matter since they never did in this country

Or anywhere else other than Africa, but speaking of Africa...

Why is Africa still struggling after colonization?

Why are there wars? Nation versus nation?

Why must a riot ensue for people to be woke?

Why are half of my people not allowed to vote?

So let's toast to the ignorance

You see what ignorance being bliss got us

The battle has just begun

We will now reap the consequences of Trump having won, but

Before my freedom of speech, reproductive rights, health care, sexual preference or identity, and religious freedom is taken away from me let me say

I am over the intolerance to my people whether Muslim, Hispanic, female, transgender, and any other marginalized group in every way!

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