4 Ways To Use The Concept Of Hygge To Survive The Rest Of Winter
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4 Ways To Use The Concept Of Hygge To Survive The Rest Of Winter

Wool socks, soft lighting and sweets.

4 Ways To Use The Concept Of Hygge To Survive The Rest Of Winter
Abby Kihano

The Danish lifestyle trend “hygge” is quickly gaining in popularity in more places than just Denmark, which is said to be the happiest country in the world.

The concept behind the word, pronounced “hoo-ga,” is a feeling of coziness, well-being and contentedness that transpires when you enjoy the simple things in life.

Think taking a walk in the sunshine while you listen to the birds sing or bundling up on the couch with a hot cup of cocoa as you dive into a great book on a cold winter’s day. Sounds cozy, right?

Chances are, you’ve already experienced hygge and don’t even know it. While hygge is considered part of Danish national DNA, the rest of the world is quickly starting to catch onto this popular trend.

From adoption from the Danes to the British, and now Americans, hygge shows no signs of slowing down. That’s exactly what hygge wants you to do, though — slow down.

The concept has become so popular that people have posted with the hashtag “hygge” over 1.5 million times on Instagram and even taken the discussion to Twitter.

Instagram is a great resource if you want to try out hygge and see what it’s all about. You can type #hygge in the search bar to uncover thousands of examples of the cozy, warm and relaxed style.

Hygge is a Norwegian word that translates most closely to “coziness.” However, the Danes first started to use the word in reference to their harsh winters and the cozy lifestyle they motivate.

Although the Danes experience some of the worst winters, they’ve learned to live happily without decreasing their quality of life. Hygge doesn’t mean you have to confine yourself to the indoors all winter. The concept strongly promotes a connection with nature and friends and family during winter months.

So say goodbye to winter boredom. You no longer have to accept its interruption of your plans or lose inspiration because of the cold, dreary weather.

Learn to embrace this time of year, and use the following hygge trends to survive the rest of winter without feeling depressed or miserable.

1. Unplug yourself

It’s important to unplug yourself from your phone, tablet, television and other electronic devices every once in a while and let yourself live in the moment. Find other things to do — play games with friends, go bowling, dive into a good book, make a meal with your BFF, go on a hike — the options are endless.

Whatever it is you choose to do, make sure you allow yourself this time. Otherwise, you’ll become detached from the important aspects of your life like friends, family and things happening around you.

2. Transform your dorm

Lighting has power and can set any mood. Think about the bright LED lights you sit in every time you go to class. That kind of harsh lighting is designed for a classroom environment that keeps students awake and alert.

Say goodbye to bright overhead lights at home, and set the mood with dim lamps and candles. Candles are essential to a hyggelig atmosphere. Per capita, the Danes burn 13 pounds of candle wax every year — more than any other country in the world. So next time a shop near you has a big sale on candles, stock up. If you live in a dorm on campus and candles aren’t a possibility, opt for warm white string lights instead to create the same kind of relaxing ambiance without breaking the rules.

Don’t forget to add cozy blankets and throw pillows to your bed or lounge area to increase comfort even more.

3. Indulge in your favorite foods

Hygge food is comfort food, and we all need it — especially in the wintertime. Think about your favorite comfort foods, and bring them to life. If your weakness is sweets, invite a couple of friends over and bake a pie or your favorite chocolate cake. If you crave grandma’s beef stew or chicken pot pie, call her up and ask for the recipe, then recreate it. It’s okay to indulge now and then in something that brings you comfort and familiarity.

Maybe you crave your favorite baked treat or just want to get out of the house. Visit your favorite local coffee shop for a mocha latte and a warm blueberry muffin. Hygge can happen anywhere, at any time. You choose the place, you choose the time — as long as you’re cozy.

4. Immerse yourself in hygge style

It’s hard to dress well during cold winter months and still feel warm and cozy. However, it’s possible if you just accept that your wardrobe will need to change to fit the time of year. Hygge style is great because it’s cozy and casual without the just-rolled-out-of-bed look.

To get hygge style, treat your feet to wool socks and boots lined with fur. Chunky sweaters will warm your core and make you feel toasty throughout the day. Sweatpants are another staple, so don’t be afraid to break out your favorite pair. Don’t forget scarves and leggings — yes, leggings are pants if you pair them with a long sweater and boots.

The winter is about being cozy and warm, not about looking like a supermodel and freezing your buns off. But rest assured, you can still look good while being comfortable.

Coziness and comfort lead to happiness, which can make all the difference in your life. Appreciate the little things and make time for them.

Set your environment to maximum comfort levels if you practice hygge every day. It doesn’t have to be all day — plan a couple of hours in the evening while you decompress from a busy day of classes.

Remember, self-care is important to maintain a happy and healthy life, so make it a priority.

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