3. Having someone who is always there for you is the best | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things No One Tells You About Having A Boyfriend In College

It's nothing like the movies.

8 Things No One Tells You About Having A Boyfriend In College
Kate Wigod

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Managing any relationship while in college is hard, let alone a boyfriend. Between all the tests, papers, involvement opportunities, and social events, finding time for a significant other in your life can be challenging. I have had a boyfriend for over two years while being a full-time college student, involved member of campus organizations, and active in my sorority. Let me tell you how it really is.

1. Dating someone on a college budget is challenging

A fun picnic at the park with sonic!

Kate Wigod

Dating in college is like having champagne taste on a water budget. Basic things like going to dinner or the movies only happen every once in a while. Some of my favorite things that my boyfriend and I do include picnics in the park, watching our favorite show together, or parking the car and watching the sun go down over a field. Dates like these are inexpensive and worth it, as they allow you to spend time with your significant other and not worry about the price tag.

2. Managing your time between your boyfriend and friends is hard

I am a sucker for spending time with my man. However, allocating time between my man and my friends is harder than I thought it would be. Making sure that everyone is happy is a struggle if both sides need you at the same time, but I am lucky to have people who understand how I split my time. I'm not sure that this ever gets any easier, and I'm still working on this balance every day.

3. Having someone who is always there for you is the best

Cheering on our Rebs!

Kate Wigod

When your parents aren't around, having someone who has your best interest in mind is incredible. My boyfriend has been there to celebrate every victory and comfort me during every loss, and it's amazing to have someone here who cares about me so much. Being there for one another is a huge part of any relationship, and I'm so glad to have someone who always encourages me to be the best version of myself.

4. They make the best study partners

Boyfriends are so fun to study with! They hold you accountable and make sure that you are doing your work instead of playing on your phone, which is what we all need sometimes. Plus, they're SUPER cute when they're focused.

5. Never having to worry about finding a date for a function is pretty nice

Us at AOII formal!

Kate Wigod

I have watched some of my friends stress out for weeks trying to find the perfect date for a function. Not having to do that is a blessing. Knowing that your date is reliable is an amazing feeling and makes functions even more fun.

6. Doing long distance over breaks is harder than you think

Visiting in Florida!

Kate Wigod

I am from California, and my boyfriend is from Florida. I see him almost every day when we're at school, but over winter and summer breaks it's a different story. Having to do long distance with someone you're used to seeing every day is challenging and really puts your relationship to the test. However, it's created a trust between my boyfriend and I that I wouldn't trade for the world and has made us an even stronger couple.

7. You have someone to try new things with

Whether it's the new restaurant that just opened in town or an event you've always wanted to go to, you have someone to try new things with! Not only does this help your relationship, but you get to experience new things with your significant other!

8.  It is 100% worth it with the right person

Kate Wigod

If you're lucky enough to have found the right person for you at such a young age, hold on to them. My boyfriend is exactly what I need to balance out my stressful life, and I wouldn't be the person I am if I hadn't met him. He is always there for me, knows how to put a smile on my face, is as loyal as they come, and treats me like a princess. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Having a boyfriend in college is tough, but rewarding. I am so lucky that I get to share this part of my life with someone who means the world to me.

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