I love this time of year because of all the fall colors and because everything is pumpkin flavored, but the sad thing about fall is I have to say good bye to my kayak for the year. So I felt the need to write a good bye letter to my favorite summer hobby.
Dear Kayak,
I'm going to miss you so much over the next 8 months. I'm gonna miss taking you out an the lake on a nice calm evening where the water's surface is like glass and I can watch the sunset while I paddle my way across the lake. I'm also going to miss our little adventures going down the creek at the end of the lake. There's nothing better than going somewhere that hasn't been touched by humans. I loved it when a deer would cross the creek and stair at us like nothing was wrong. That hardly ever happened back in civilization.
I also loved the adrenaline I'd get from paddling through the rough waves when the wind was blowing at what felt like full speed, but it was probably only a light breeze. Our travels brought so much joy to my day far before I took you for a ride because I looked forward to it all day. And the happiness I got from you lasted long into the night after our adventures.
I know not all people understand the joy and sense of being at peace when I'm with you, but I hope everyone has some type of hobby that brings them as much joy you bring to me. Life without hobbies would be so boring, but I'm glad I have you here to liven things up.
All I ask of you is to not forget me over the long cold winter, just like how I won't forget about you. When I'm stuck indoors because of the several feet of snow outside I'll just think of our voyages together and it will brighten my day and motivate me to be productive during those long cold dreary days.
This isn't good bye. It's see you later! I'll see you when the leaves turn green again and when the days are long. So don't you forget about me, and I won't forget about you.
Sincerely, Your Captain, Elizabeth