Goals for the New Year
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Goals for the New Year

Five resolutions to adopt to become a better, healthier you.

Goals for the New Year

Get athletic

Dont worry about the number on the scale but rather sheer muscle mass and definition. Try to challenge your body in unique ways whether it's push ups, squats, planks, or running a mile. Increase the number of pushups and situps you do each day. Hit the gym and reward yourself with a refreshing, an activity both soothing and calorie burning which also is a full body immersive work out. Maybe sign up for a Karate class so not only are you fit but you'll gain fighting abilities that are absolutely priceless. Not to be morbid, but you never know when you might get robbed or get in a physical altercation and might need to hit someone in the groin and make your escape. Better safe than sorry.

Read 50 Books

As students and especially as writers it's always important to read books in your spare time to utilize your imagination expand your horizons and build upon your vocabulary. Take pride in your bookworminess and use it to read all the classics and guilty pleasure books you've been meaning to. Make a list of 50 books you want to read and just do it. One per week with two weeks slack. The rewards are endless because the task itself is fun.

Record and interpret your dreams

Feeling emotionally under the weather lately but can't put a finger on the cause? Your subconscious has answers if you decide to listen. Start a dream journal which can be any journal bought at the dollar he of recording your dreams. Even if you draw a blank, open the book and try to remember anyway. You will train your brain to be more cognizant of your dreams when you wake up and not erase memory. From the times of Freud, dreams have been recognized as a passageway into the labyrinths of our subconscious minds. Buy a dream interpretation book to see what is really going on with you when you had the strange dream about the alien abduction or being caught shoplifting, or merely look up the universal symbolism on the internet via websites like dreammoods.com. Of course certain things have a particular unique meaning just for you so you must also take that into account. Be your own psychologists ans journal your heart out- both your dream and your interpretation of it- every morning to clear the cobwebs and shed light on the hidden parts of your soul.

Be Just a Little Nicer

Everyone needs more sunshine in their day, the world can often be cold and gruesome and unforgiving so it's best to spread the cheer when you are lucky enough to be in a good mood. Hold the door open for people, smile at and talk to the elderly, help out a few charities if you have the money to spare. Spend time with the people you truly care about an make sure you are always there for them in their darkest hour. Stay up until three a.m if your friend has a bad breakup to cry with her. Sometimes your presence can make ALL the difference. Recognize your own importance though and don't spread yourself too thin but truly go out of your way to make positive difference in the universe.

Take On A New Hobby That Excites You

It is never too late to learn something. Being the two left footed duckling at ballroom dance classes is embarrassing at first but once you've mastered the subtleties of an elegant twirl it won't even matter. We are young and our brains are about to peak in their growth so why not choose now to follow our wildest dreams? Draw, paint, sew, do pottery, play a new instrument, learn coding, create your own jewelry, have your friend introduce you to a foreign culture, etc. There is always another mountain to be climbed and nobody knows everything. But we can damn well try to.

Tell the truth

In a vain image-obsessed society that tends to glorify the best possible pretty, virtuous way we are able to portray ourselves, blunt and complete honesty is often left by the wayside. The other half of this coin is how we venerate people who aren't cookie cutter minions of a perfect utopia and often say crazy, hateful, outlandish things. It is one of the main reason Trump was seen as different from a run of the mill politician, his lack of a filter. However you don't have to be rude and rage-fueled like trump. Go in the middle ground of this dichotomy and be polite but truthful. Absolutely nothing is ever gained by deception or fraud. If someone does something wrong tell don't pretend everything is alright, and don't go on ignoring them, tell them exactly what they did wrong so they actually are galvanized to learn from their mistakes. And if you have an opinion but can add a positive twist to it don't balk from saying it. Your thoughts matter. You are smarter than you think. And if someone should judge you they are probably a hypocrite. Don't be afraid of being called crazy either. The best people are.

See if you could go 24 hours without lying at all and see how much lighter you feel afterwards.

Happy 2020!!!!

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