19 Things My Future Husband Will Need To Know
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19 Things My Future Husband Will Need To Know

I'll be a handful sometimes, but I'll love you with all of my heart.

19 Things My Future Husband Will Need To Know

There’s no telling when I will meet the man that I will marry, or if we have already met. The man who will put up with my good and bad days. The man who I will fall asleep next to every night and wake up next to every morning. What I do know is that I want him to know these 20 things:

1. We will have many jam-out sessions while in the car.

My music interests vary from Pop Punk to Rap to Disney and everything else in-between. You’ve got to not only accept that, but jam out with me as well. Don’t know the words? Bust out your air guitar or drums. Or simply just embrace my jamming out (and terrible singing) and smile and laugh along.

2. Independence is important to me.

I can be a pretty independent person. I won’t need you to take care of everything. You won’t be the only breadwinner. I will work and I will hold my own.

3. But with that being said, I will depend on you sometimes.

You’re my man. I’m going to need my man to be my shoulder to cry on. My best friend I can always lean on. Hold me. I may not depend on you for everything, but I need you to be there for the times I’m weak and say I’m fine even though you know I’m really not.

4. I absolutely want kids, but I won’t quit my job when we do have kids.

There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be a stay at home mom, but that is not the woman I am. Don’t expect me to stay at home and do all household chores while taking care of the kids all on my own while you go to work every day. We will both work.

5. If we fight, it is, and will be, OKAY.

Fights, arguments, and disagreements happen in relationships. We are two human beings that are going to disagree sometimes, or we may argue about who should do the dishes tonight. But I’m here until the end.

6. With the above things stated, it goes without saying that we will be equal partners.

It doesn’t matter who makes more money or who is right or wrong, we will always be equal to each other. We will agree on some things and disagree on others, because we have the right to voice our opinions and respect one another opinions.

7. I don’t believe in giving up on one another.

Whatever we fight about or bump heads about, we will get through it. I will trust you with all of my heart and trust that you won’t break my heart. We are a team and with being a team, there's no reason to ever give up on one another.

8. Our separate pasts are exactly that… the past.

We are the present and the future. I'm all for being cool and even friends with respectful exes. But If an ex or past fling tries to rekindle something with either of us, they can keep on walking.

9. Honesty, loyalty, and trust are three HUGE factors to me.

I will ALWAYS remain honest and loyal to you, therefore I expect the same. And with those two things always in place, our trust will remain.

10. Communication is A MUST.

Whether you are upset with something outside of our relationship or within it, you MUST communicate with me. Talk to me about whatever is bothering you. Cry if you need to. Even if you think it makes you seem weak or feminine, don’t think that. It makes you more of a man.

11. I have confidence just as much as I have insecurities.

There are a few things that I will always be confident in, but my insecurities will get the best of me sometimes. Laying next to you in bed and hearing you saying how lucky you are to be with me or how pretty I look will make my week. I will have days where I want to sit in bed in a ball crying… I want you there rubbing my back and holding me close.

12. We will always be together

Our life together is exactly that… OURS. We will fill it with so many adventures and memories created together. From going out with our friends to the day we go to our son’s sports games, we’ll do it all together. And we will always be there to support each other.

13. Sure I like to go out and drink, but I also LOVE to stay home.

I can go for a thirsty Thursday here and there or go out sometimes, no doubt. But the best times to me are when we stay home, pour a drink, and watch movies together.

14. We will have a dog… probably more than one.

I’m not too picky about what breed, but I’m sure you’ll want one breed and I’ll want another breed. And lucky for us both, we won’t have to choose between them. Because we will have one of each.

15. Family is so important to me.

Not just my family, but yours as well. We become a part of each other's families therefore, we will visit both of them a lot. Holidays, birthdays, and just because. I want your family to love me and my family to love you… and of course, they will.

16. I love being goofy and loving on each other.

I don't care if we are at home or in public, I love being goofy with each other. Showing off our love in public is A-OK with me. But I'm talking some "Notebook" cuteness... not massive PDA.

17. It won’t always be home cooked meals.

Yes, we will have nights of cooking our meals and take turns in that. But we will also have nights that we grab some to-go food and chow down while watching reruns of HIMYM and Friends.

18. Oh also, there will be random dancing at home.

To be real truthful, there will be dance parties very often. In the kitchen when either of us is cooking or baking, randomly in the living room, or in the bedroom when I'm playing my mixed genre playlist. Even at a sports game when a good song comes on.

And most importantly...

19. I will always and forever love you.

The biggest blessing and curse that I come with is caring way too much. I will always give you my 120%, but please don’t take advantage of that. I will love you through every mistake. Every fight. I will NEVER walk away from you and give you my all. When I say "I do," I mean it.

P.S. To my future husband, you have every right to save this, print it, whatever you want, and hold me accountable to every single one of them.

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