How to turn your hookup into a lasting relationship
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8 Hookup Moves To Hook Your Crush Instantly During Syllabus Week

Because one-night stands just won't stand

8 Hookup Moves To Hook Your Crush Instantly During Syllabus Week

Fall semester is fast approaching, and with it comes thousands of students rebooting their Tinder apps and trying their luck in the dating scene all over again. You'll be fawning over a new cutie in your new 9 a.m. lecture in no time, and you're determined to up your game in time to win their heart. And while you might be discouraged by college "hookup culture," that doesn't mean you're pursuing a hopeless case by any means. You've reeled them in, but how can you keep them and make them yours when dating is more casual than ever, you ask?

Here are just eight ways you can transform that hookup into a hardcore romance:

1. Entice them with an aphrodisiac

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The next time you're spending time alone with your crush, consider playing with some chemical manipulation. Just a few strategic spritzes of perfume behind your ears and across the pulse points on your neck and wrists will do the trick.

You can splurge for sex attractant, which is meant to enhance your pheromones and create an enticing scent unique to your body chemistry, or you can keep it low-cost with other scents that naturally have aphrodisiac qualities. Vanilla, cinnamon, sandalwood, jasmine, and even almonds can greatly impact your partner's sexual response. Just do your research and keep in mind that some scents are more effective for men than they are for women, and vice versa.

2. DON'T play hard to get

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Ladies and gentlemen, if you're looking to craft a relationship built on trust and sincerity, then living by these middle school-level standards is not the route to go. In a lot of cases, your partner will soon tire of waiting hours for your replies and will quit while they're ahead to pursue someone who actually appears to want to spend time in their company. While this move could win you a short-term fling, the odds that it will pave the way for a meaningful relationship are very, very slim.

So if you intend on reeling in your special someone for the long haul, don't give them the cold shoulder. A healthy romance involves consistent communication to show how much these two people care for one another, so give up the phone tag and let your feelings be known when you feel ready.

3. Let your body do the talking

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Save the rough, sloppy kisses for your future flings. For now, it's all about warm, gentle touches to convey just how special your someone is to you. Let your body express all of the words that fail you when you're together. Tangle your hands in their hair and pull them in close. Gaze dreamily into their eyes and let your gaze trail down to their lips just before you lean in for a kiss. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear as you lightly stroke the sides of their face. Take this approach, and guaranteed your crush will melt in the palms of your hands.

4. Don't hurry out of their place (or kick them out so soon)

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Unless you want your crush to think of your relationship only as a fling, avoid making a habit out of late-night quickies. Don't be so hasty to rush your partner out of your place—instead, offer that they sleep over for a change, or at the very least spend a little more time with you. Hopefully, they want to hang out after hooking up to get to know your mind as well as they now know your body. A deep conversation between two compatible people can be even more intimate and revealing than sex.

5. Don't make all of your physical contact about sex

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Plain and simple: if your partner is solely interested in being physical with you during sex, they're most likely not looking to be with you romantically. You can, however, express your intentions through sweet and casual touches. Try to lay a hand on their shoulder, squeeze their hand, or give them a playful nudge from time to time. As long as they seem open to it and haven't said they're uncomfortable, go for it and see where it gets you!

6. Hang out during the day more and more often

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If your crush reserves you just for the late hours, it's more than likely that they don't intend on asking you out on a real date. Don't be afraid to make the first move if they haven't popped the question yet. It could be that they aren't sure enough of your feelings to boldly put themselves out there. And if you muster the strength to speak up first, they'll instantly feel a lot more comfortable with you and put more of their emotions on the line.

7. Encourage your partner to talk about themselves

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Don't let your conversations drift so easily into awkward silences when you could learning so much more about each other! There are endless possibilities for having engaging discussions that'll help you get to know one another— all you have to do is talk. Prompt your partner to regale you with a hilarious story from their childhood. Ask about their most memorable birthday party or the story behind how they named their beloved pet. Dig deep and you'll be surprised how effortlessly the rest of your conversation goes.

8. Show them that they're on your mind

People want more than anything to know that they are the focus of someone's mind and that they are being thought about even when they aren't in the room. And your crush deserves to know just how often they invade your head space. Leave them delightfully flustered with photos of things you saw that reminded you of them. Suggest they listen to a particular song that represents them in some way or seems like a song they'd enjoy listening to. Or keep it straightforward and shoot them texts throughout the day to say, "you're on my mind today."

I wish you all the best this upcoming semester, both academically and romantically!

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