Are You A Fitiot?
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Health and Wellness

Are You A Fitiot?

Fitiot [fit-ee-uh-t] noun: A fit idiot.

Are You A Fitiot?
The Tab

Fitiot [fit-ee-uh-t] noun: A fit idiot.

Let’s face it: it’s easier to get caught up in the marketed “fitness” lifestyle than it is to actually be fit. It doesn’t take much; all you need is a stringer tank top, a couple of Lenny and Larry cookies, a shaker cup, and BAM—you’re a gym bro. I am guilty of falling into the “health” traps too—it’s hard not to! Marketing, faulty websites, and exaggerated glory reinforce products and behaviors that do more harm than good.

If you fall into these traps, well… you might just be a fitiot.

You Fall for Labels that Say “Protein”

The best example I can think of is no other than the prized Lenny and Larry cookie. Buttery, soft, fresh, mouth watering, AND 16 grams of protein??! Too good to be true, right? Right. “16g Protein” bounces off the front of the package, but tiny black ink on the back notes that in addition to those measly 16g of protein, there are 12g of fat and 30 grams of sugar. There are also almost four times as many grams of carbohydrates in this “protein cookie” as there are grams of protein. Lenny and Larry cookies are vegan and do have more protein than your average cookie, but its packaging can easily fool a person into thinking that it is actually healthy.

This kind of packaging is everywhere, so watch out for it.

You Do Not Eat Enough Whole Foods

The box in my closet loaded with protein powders is actually what makes me a MAJOR fitiot. Despite my copious protein powder collection, I have been transitioning heavily to whole foods, and using the powders as a snack/dessert rather than a meal. Consuming protein supplements over whole-food sources of protein does the body an injustice; it deprives the body of critical micronutrients, and instead feeds it artificial fillers. Remember that these supplements are, well, supplements to the diet. Drastically cutting the body’s carb intake actually puts that protein to waste; simple carbs post-workout are actually essential for the body to absorb protein. People often think the more protein, the better. Fitiots will eat chicken, steak, and whey protein all in one sitting. However, the body can only metabolize 25-30g of protein at a time (mabe slightly more for a larger person). Therefore, all that extra protein simply goes to waste and puts unnecessary strain on the kidneys.

Like I said, protein powders are a great way to meet your macronutrient goals and quickly feed the muscles, but they should not be your main source of protein.

You're Only Fit when it's Time For Fitness

A one-hour workout is 4% of your day. What are you doing the other 96%? It’s easy to make time for the gym, and to eat a healthy post-workout or pre-workout meal, but the other 90-96% is tough. Believe it or not, your non-fitness related movements can add up significantly. N.E.A.T., which stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, plays a huge role in fat loss/muscle gain, but gets very little attention from fitiots with cool shaker cups. What this means, is that over time, a person who is dieting hard or working out often tends to move slowly outside of the gym due to fatigue or exhaustion. Be mindful of this when you choose between stairs of elevator, or when you pick a parking spot. Remember, 90-96% of your day is outside of the gym—make it active anyway.

You Focus on Lifting Heavy Instead of Lifting Correctly

I get it, man. We all want to be that cool kid in the stringer tank curling 100-pound dumbbells. But guess what… if you have a 400-pound bench with the help of three spotters, you DON’T have a 400-pound bench, and you aren’t going to. The only way to build strength is to build it with good technique ON YOUR OWN. Stop getting help from other people at the gym. Stop letting your ego control your workouts. Stop being a fitiot!

Also, the range of motion is huge and one of the most important parts of getting an effective workout. If you are doing half-squats, half-curls, or just half-assing your lift with heavier weights, you are still not getting the quality work you would be getting with lighter weight and a full range of motion. Doing the motion correctly, in addition to protecting your joints, muscles, and overall physical wellbeing (no big deal), will activate ALL muscles associated with that movement.

You Prioritize Isolation Lifts Over Compound Lifts

I know “curls get the girls,” but actually, they don’t. Basing a workout around isolation movements will not work the muscle to the fullest, and you will not see striking results. For example, women who spend hours doing leg isolation movements life glute-kick backs should instead center their workouts around a compound lift, like squat or deadlift, and use the isolation lifts as accessories, or finishers, for after the big lift. Compound movements make for more muscle growth and a higher caloric burn because of the many muscles they activate and because their complexity allows for more intensity and volume. Higher volume (total reps X total sets X weight) workouts are ideal for both fat burn and muscle growth, especially for women.

You Say, “Bro.”

Just stop.

Now I bet you're thinking, "Wow. I do some of these I a fitiot????" Probably. I'd say we all have a bit of fitiot inside of us, and like I said, it's hard not to! But if three or more of these characteristics apply to you, change something. Do your research, bro.

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