It's that time of the year again.
No, not Christmastime--most of us college students won't get to enjoy that for another week.
I'm talking about finals week, the week of the least sleep and the most coffee of all the weeks in the semester. The week every student dreads because anxiety levels skyrocket... and also sort of looks forward to because it's effectively the Friday of the semester and we all get to turn off our alarms for a while after it's over.
I have taken a break from studying for my own exams to bring you this, because I have been through nine semesters of it and I feel my experiences are relatively universal. For example:
5. Giving Yourself a Break (After Doing Almost No Work)
At least when I give myself a break, I have more than three short sentences. And I don't set my apartment on fire.
Because every five minutes of work deserves an hour of relaxation and games... or was that the other way around? I can never remember which.
4. When Your [Dumb] Luck Kicks In
To be fair, Joey wasn't wrong about that last one...
Like when your professor decides not to impose a late penalty even though you're almost an hour over the deadline and the online platform you use to turn in assignments has locked you out of your final exam. Or when you freak out because that same online platform has locked you out of your final exam when you thought you still had another day to take it, but so did your professor, so she emails you the exam and lets you take it anyway.
3. That Big Project That Takes You Hours
I know that feel, bro. Not with an entire turkey, but you know.
Most of these were term papers for me. Whether it was four pages, eight pages, or fifteen pages, I've looked at that little blinking line on my screen, taunting me. And maybe I typed (and erased) a line or two of expletives when I just couldn't think anymore. But I knew that once I was done with it, it was going to be the best feeling ever.
2. No Study, No Problem
Clearly he aced U.S. History. I'm pretty sure of that. Yup.
When you didn't study at all for your exams, but you feel totally confident you'll pass them, anyway.
1. "Learning" Everything the Night Before the Exam
Possibly slightly harder with a foreign language and an audition for Les Misérables.
The one that just about everyone can relate to on some level. The whole "becoming an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics in one night" thing. And quite possibly forgetting all of it immediately afterward.
And How You Feel After It's All Done...
Good luck to everyone currently studying, writing papers, trying desperately to make word counts or page limits, or downing your second Red Bull or fifth coffee. You're almost there!