Before I say what I want to say, let me tell you what this article is not: This article is not telling anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton. This article is not some radical feminist rant. This is article is not telling anyone what to do.
I am not a Clinton voter, I am not a Trump voter. In my eyes, neither candidate deserves to be president.
This article is to pose a question to fathers of daughters that are voting for Donald Trump.
My question to fathers: Why do you respect Donald Trump?
I just do not understand how there are fathers out there that have daughters, and still respect Trump enough to be president. As a woman, I feel disrespected when men tell me that they are voting for Trump. Donald Trump has said the most horrible and awful things about women, and you still support him? Why? I know that there are more issues going on in the United States that need to be taken care of as well as the treatment of women, and Trump does have a good economic plan, but that's all he has. You respect him enough for his economics to ignore what he says about women? About your daughter? Your mother? Your sister? Your wife? Don't you feel even a gram of disgust?
Women have been apart of the United State's military for years, and in those years many women are sexually assaulted and never report it. And what do you expect when there are people that think like this:
26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May"> 7, 2013
Women serve this country the same way that men do, and then their sexual assaults are just waved away by the thought that that's just what men do to women when they are together. These are people that are out there fighting for this country and are treated this way. Is this what you think as well?
Donald Trump made the claim that women get the jobs that they get because of their looks. Is that what you want your daughter to think? That she will only get the job that she wants if she is the ideal of beauty? Within this portion of "Last Week with John Oliver" there is a clip of Trump telling a reporter that the reason that she got her job is because she is beautiful.
(If you forward to 5:03, it takes you straight to Trump's opinion.) You might think, "oh that's a compliment, he called her beautiful," but he also said that it wasn't her talent or her work ethic that got her that job. He said looks did. You tell your daughter to go to college, so that she can get any job she wants, and yet you are voting for a man that disagrees with you. Because I highly doubt that you would ever tell your daughter that she is not "pretty enough" to get the job she wants.
Just Saturday, "Access Hollywood" released footage of Donald Trump from 2005 saying that he would "grab women by the p----" because he can do anything because he is a "star."
Watch: Access Hollywood addresses Billy Bush, Trump's comments on women
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) October">"... 7, 2016
Please follow the link to that video. You respect a man that would grope a woman and try to pursue a married woman into having sex with him? And he thinks that he can do this because he is a "star" is completely absurd. All the "stars" that have sexually assaulted women like the "swimming star" (and I say star here with all the distaste in the world) the Stanford Rapist, Brock Turner, I'm sure do not feel the same way. I know that you do not want that for your daughter, so why would you respect a man that would grope a women without her consent because he "can do anything"?
I could go on about the way Donald Trump thinks of women: your daughter, your sister, your niece, your mother, and your wife, but I really just want to ask you the question that gave me the inspiration to write this article, so to see more examples of Trump degrading women click here. I am not a political writer, and I am not one to express my opinion like this, but I thought that this needed to be written. Even though I singled out fathers, I hope all parents read this the same way.
My question to the fathers of daughters that are voting for Donald Trump: Why do you respect a man enough to elect him president even though he disrespects your daughter reguarly? Why, dad?