The Dos And Don'ts Of Communal Living | The Odyssey Online
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The Dos And Don'ts Of Communal Living

Written from the perspective of a grumpy sophomore.

The Dos And Don'ts Of Communal Living
Gonzaga University

Living with other people is really difficult sometimes. There's a lot to learn when it comes to living in a dorm, and one of these things is learning how to live with others. I have compiled a list of ways to be respectful towards others and how to not be "that person."

1. Kitchen

Do: Run the disposal

Don't: Leave dirty dishes in the kitchen for an extended period of time

Do: Clean sponges by boiling them or putting them in the dishwasher, and switch them out regularly so as not to spread bacteria (sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria)

Don't: Use what isn't yours without permission

Do: Unplug the toaster when not in use to save electricity

Don't: Steal someone's colander and never return it (still salty)

2. Bathroom

Do: Clean up any water around the sink

Don't: Put food in the bathroom sink

3. Rooms

Do: Use headphones while Netflixing if your roommate is doing homework or sleeping

Don't: Install spring-loaded mattresses to get your roommate out of bed in the morning

4. Common spaces

Do: Respect others' property

Don't: Leave your stuff out indefinitely

5. Music

Do: Feel free to listen to music

Don't: Believe that everyone wants to hear your music

6. Quiet hours

Do: Respect quiet hours and courtesy hours

Don't: Get defensive and mad when someone tells you that you're being too loud

7. Laundry

Do: Set a timer for laundry

Don't: Disrespect others' laundry (i.e. putting it on the floor, transferring it to the dryer and starting it)

Do: Clean out lint screen in the dryer

Don't: Fold others' laundry

8. Shower

Do: Remove used bandages from the shower

Don't: Play shower music so loudly that people can hear it in their room with their door closed

9. Food

Do: Clean out communal fridge by discarding expired foods

Don't: Eat food that belongs to other people

10. Study spaces

Do: Use study spaces to your advantage

Don't: Ruin this advantage for others by being too loud

11. Parking

Do: Park well so others have room to park

Don't: Drive fast near pedestrians

Nobody's perfect, but it's important to consider how you're affecting others when living in a communal space. The most important thing is to be respectful of others and their property.

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