Like Demi, I Still Have Me, And I'm More Whole Than Ever | The Odyssey Online
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Like Demi, I Still Have Me, And I'm More Whole Than Ever

And she will be, too.

Like Demi, I Still Have Me, And I'm More Whole Than Ever

I'm so proud of Demi Lovato's new, powerful breakup ballad, "Still Have Me." After her split from fiancé Max Ehrich, she is pulling herself out from the darkness, picking up the shattered pieces, and realizing that she's got this. If that's not inspirational, I don't know what is.

According to a source, "There has been a lot of tension and Demi left him to get a clear head. She didn't know who Max truly was and didn't think he had good intentions... There were many red flags she was ignoring and trying to turn a blind eye to."

I don't know about you, but, in my past relationships, I didn't dare address a red flag. I barely recognized any even though In the pit of my stomach, I knew something was wrong. Yet even after 4 years of a toxic, long-term relationship, I thought it would all work out. He would change, this had to work – spoiler alert, I'm thrilled it didn't.

See Also "23 Signs You're In A Toxic Relationship And You're Not 'Crazy'"

Demi has clearly learned from past relationships and grown into a strong, bad-ass woman who acknowledges that her former partner didn't have good intentions. It would be a waste of time and energy to give him all her love for zilch in return. She couldn't change him, but that's alright because she still has herself.

Demi still has her music, she still has her family, her friends, her fans. Demi is so much more than any relationship, and so am I. So are you. This is her time to heal and address her pain through music. How will you move on?

I get it, whenever we lose a partner or a best friend, we feel a major hole in our hearts. I'm an empath and with every breakup, heartbreak, and goodbye, I felt as though a piece of me was lost forever. I felt broken. I felt lost. I forgot who I was. I couldn't talk without crying, eat without my stomach twisting and turning, and look at anything without thinking of him, but I was still passionate about all the things I love to do. I was still me and I had a new story, too.

It seemed impossible to keep going on without those people in my life, but Demi's right "If I don't have you, At least I'll still have me."

We will always have ourselves and that's all we need. Once you realize that you're the most important person in your own life, you will find your whole world and nothing or no one can take that from you.

Still Have

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