I Asked 15 People What The Definition Of Love Is, Here's What They Had To Say
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I Asked 15 People What The Definition Of Love Is, Here's What They Had To Say

Because once you really think about it, there is no one true way of defining it.

I Asked 15 People What The Definition Of Love Is, Here's What They Had To Say

Love- it's a word that means many different things to many different people and it's a word that we all have used at least once in our lives. Many of us have fallen in and out of it, have questioned it, been confused by it, and have even had our hearts broken by it.

But all in all, we must understand that it is the most important thing that we have within ourselves and that we are all capable of both giving and receiving it, because it's the one single thing that we all have in common with one another. Love can take on various meanings to each of us and can impact us in more ways than one. Which brings me to why I have asked 15 people their definition on what they think love is.

1. Love is...

"Something that doesn't have a price tag."

2. Love is...

"A feeling of unexplainable attraction towards someone. It doesn't have to be romantic or anything, you just feel the best when you're around them. Love is a big force that makes you want to be the best you can for someone and you know they'll appreciate you no matter what."

3. Love is...

"Seeing someone everyday but still missing them when you're not with them. It's being there for someone always and it's compromise and caring."

4. Love is...

"The feeling you develop for someone or something that makes it impossible to live without."

5. Love is...

"Watching the boy you're in love with walk out the door because he needs time to find himself. It's letting him go and knowing in your heart he'll come back."

6. Love is...

"Splitting a Chick-Fil-A sandwich with someone and giving them the bigger half."

7. Love is...

"Never having to say you're sorry. Or, at least that's what it was in 1970. I guess it still does but also so much more. It means sticking to a commitment even when the going gets tough and there are disappointments. Love doesn't feel like it did almost 50 years ago when I got married. Sometimes the physical feelings aren't the same but I know the love is. I think as you get life becomes more real and precious to you. I love many more people and things now than I did when I was young. It's hard to describe love and I'm pretty sure it is different for everybody. For me, it's my husband, children, grandchildren, sister, mother, puppy, extended family and friends. I love them all but in different ways."

8. Love is...

"Having those little things that make you smile or laugh when you spend time with your family. Those are truly the best."

9. Love is...

"The way Stanley loves Pretzel Day."

10. Love is...

"Kindness, love is putting someone else's needs before your own, love is complicated, love is friendship, love is painful, love is crazy, love is passionate, love is being there for that person when they need you, love is loyalty, love is pure, love is powerful, love is easy, love is a lot of things but above all else,
love is selfless.
I really don't know what love is. It's hard to pick one word that really describes it because it's so much more than that."

11. Love is...

"Putting those you love in front of you. Being willing to sacrifice so that those you love can have."

12. Love is...

"When you value the other person more than yourself and would, without hesitation, give your life for theirs. And feels as if that person is an extension of your soul, that could be either romantically or in regards to a child. And romantically see that person as your partner for life."

13. Love is...

"No matter what they might say or what they might do, you would still do anything for them. It is unconditional and never failing. It is not losing yourself while finding them. It is knowing there is always someone there to be your backbone."

14. Love is...

"Wanting the best for someone else. It is trying to be the best person you can be for someone else."

15. Love is...

"When you have a husband after 26 years of marriage, who still tells you you're beautiful every. single. day. Who still loves you when you wake up some mornings and it looks like a cat had a fight in your hair, who doesn't care if you have coffee breath, and doesn't care how much you fart. It's when you still kiss goodbye in the mornings before he leaves for work, and standing at the window waving goodbye to each other every. single. day. It's someone who loves God like you, who prays with you, and who still thinks your sexy in your flannel pajamas. When you still catch him staring at you like he's just met you, when he loves your parents as much as you, when he calls or sends sweet texts to you while he's at work, when he constantly keeps up the laundry and cleans up the dishes after every meal, when he constantly makes you laugh until you pee, when he's not afraid to cry in front of you, when you always see him hug our kids and tell them he loves them, when he doesn't let a day go by without telling you he loves, when he trusts you, when he completely gets your heart and compassion for others, and finally, when he looks at you literally every. single. day. and says, "you are so *effin hot," and you have to remind him to quit cussing. YEP! That's what love is."
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