Friends and family are concerned by it, doctors definitely don't recommend it and classmates probably hate it. I drink a lot of coffee. I'm not just a cup-of-Joe a day kind of of girl – I'm more of a surprising amount of coffee for one human being type. Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Aroma Joe's, you name it, I've probably had several cups of it. It all started junior year of high school when it seemed as though I simply would not make it through a paper I was working on at one morning without a cup of coffee. On that early Monday morning, an addiction was born. Here is a look at a typical day of someone like me – a cup of Katie, if you will.
1. Wake up already thinking about coffee.
You can't help it. It's the morning, and when it's the morning, you drink coffee. Aside from rolling yourself out of bed, coffee is the only way you start your day.
2. Someone tries to talk to you before you get that first sip.
3. Make a pot of coffee and anxiously await pouring a cup of your favorite steaming hot beverage.
You'll make the pot. You always do. But there is something about the water and the grounds that make you angry. While it is only a matter of minutes until coffee, it feels like an actual lifetime.
4. Try to play it cool and pretend you have any patience for the coffee maker.
Play with the dog, make some toast, drink a cup of sub-par juice. You'll do it all if it will help make the time go by until you finally taste caffeine. But sometimes, it's just too hard.
5. Grab those first two or three cups and get the day going!
6. Roll into work or class and start to hate yourself for, unlike the others, not stopping and grabbing a cup on the way.
You have a few opportunities to get coffee on the way in, but you don't. You're feeling pretty hyped from all the caffeine you had and already need to pee. You slow down passing any coffee place but only enough to irritate the drivers behind you and not enough to actually stop.
7. You irritate a good handful or so of people with all the energy you have in the morning.
8. It's later in the afternoon, and you're still at work or class. Someone passes by with a fresh cup of Starbucks.
You naturally assume it's your order: grande caramel macchiato with soy milk. You contemplate smacking it out of their hands. But you don't because you're better than that. But if you had, it would look a lot like this.
9. When the day is coming to an end, you head home. But not without making an appearance at your favorite coffee shop.
It's been a long day. You kind of worked hard, talked to people you didn't even like and spent a good portion of it scrolling through social media on your phone. You deserve another cup of coffee.
10. You finally return home to find a half-enjoyed cup of coffee sitting in a rather precarious place of the house and a brand new coffee stain on the floor.
It happens. That is all. If you are anything like me, you know that it is nearly impossible to go a morning without spilling coffee somehow, somewhere. (sorry Mom)