Daily Rituals That Will Uplift Your Vibe
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Daily Rituals That Will Uplift Your Vibe

Go from a bad day to a great one

Daily Rituals That Will Uplift Your Vibe
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Disclaimer, this is not me trying to tell you how you live your life. This is just a few tips of things you can include in your daily routine to put yourself in a better mood. I don't even do all of these things every single day, but I have before and each has improved my day. So here we go:

IN THE MORNING:I know this may be asking too much, BUT wake up a little earlier than you normally do. Give yourself some time in the mornings before you get into the hustle and bustle of life. It is important to have some "you time" during your day, and this is a great time for it. Starting your day off like this will help "set the mood" for the rest of your day. SO here is some things you can do in the morning:

First and foremost, stay off your phone: Normally when you wake up in the morning you lay in your bed, check your phone, and see what's new on all the social media apps before you get up. I say this is no way to start your day. By doing this, you are already starting off your day in a negative way. You see some news on Twitter that puts you in a bad mood. Scroll down your Instagram feed and see how much "cooler" everyone else's life appears to be. Whatever it may be, don't start your morning on your phone, wait until after you have gotten ready for the day, please.

Make your bed: Yes, this is a task most people only do probably once in a blue moon, but I love to make my bed. The rest of my room could be a mess, but if my bed is made, it just makes everything look so much more clean. Coming home after a long day to a made bed just makes my heart happy for some reason.

Have some quiet time with you and Jesus:This is essential to having a good day. To start the day reading your bible, praying, and listening to worship music as you get ready, sets your vibe on a high note. You can take from this time what you have learned from Jesus and apply it to the rest of your day or even teach others about it.

Do some yoga: Stretch out your body and get your blood flowing. Do some vinyasa flows or cat and cows. This will help you start your day relaxed and refreshed, not like a zombie.

Drink a big class of water while getting ready: You should always drink a glass of water first thing in the morning (before your coffee, you can drink that next). This will fire up your metabolism, fuel ya brian, flush out toxins, and hydrate yourself. Treat your body right, DRINK H2O.

Make yourself a nutritional breakfast: Some believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I am not sure on the facts of that, but I believe it is pretty important to start your day off with a good breakfast. Usually, I make a smoothie with granola, fruit, coconut, and other superfoods on top, or oatmeal, or avocado toast. Oatmeal is the quickest thing to do if you are in a rush.

Do positive affirmations: This is the practice of positive thinking. Studies have shown that when you think negative thoughts, your body will react and become those things. The way you think has the ability to change your biology. Cool thing is, you are in control of your thoughts, so become award of those toxic thoughts and weaken them. Replace the negative with a positive. Redesign your brain to a healthy one. Positive affirmations are a good way to do this. If you have negative thoughts of "I am not good enough," replace that by repeating to yourself "I am good enough" because you are. Other affirmations can be: I am love, I have a purpose, I love my body, I am in charge of how I feel today and nobody can change that, I am loved by God, and the list can go on and on. There is endless affirmations, but repeat to yourself whatever you need in that moment to hear. Whether you do that by writing it down or looking at yourself in the mirror, it will help. I know it sounds silly, but it does work, I promise.


Make sure you get those steps in: Mostly everyone these days has a Fitbit, Apple Watch, or some sort of watch that counts their steps. This is a great tool to track how active you are, so if you are lucky enough to have one, utilize it. You realize it is later in the day and you barley have any steps, go on a walk.

Drink lots and lots of water: A lot of them time when you think you are hungry, you are just thirsty, so drink a cup of water first. Then you might not feel hungry anymore. Also, avoid soda and other drinks. Your body craves water, so give it what it wants people.

Take the stairs: Stairs are a great way to stay active. Besides, elevators are a little sketch sometimes (at least at my dorm). I live on the 5th floor and I take the stairs every time. Take the stairs to your class on the 3rd floor even though you will walk into class breathing heavy, who cares.

At some point in your day, try to get in a heart pumping, sweaty work out: Exercise is so important for your health. Whether that is walking, running, kick boxing, Zumba, or weight lifting, get moving!! If you just become a bum laying in your bed all day (which I definitely do from time to time) your bones will weaken from not enough activity. Putting you at risk for many health issues, which could be a whole different blog post.

Do more of the things you love to do: If you really love something, make the time to do it. Whether it is spending time with Jesus, being in nature, or hanging out with friends and family, DO IT.

Stop procrastinating, do that thing you have been putting off: I am the WORST at this. I could name of 10 things right this very moment that i am procrastinating at, but stop saying "tomorrow" and start today. Ever hear the saying "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Do something nice for someone else: There is something about making other people happy that just lights my soul on fire. You never know when someone is needing a little pick-me-up. They could be having a horrible day, and your little random act of kindness could just completelyturn it around. Smile at people as you pass by instead of looking at your feet. Hold the door. Ask someone how their day is. Compliment their outfit, because girls don't you agree, it is the greatest feeling when someone gives you a compliment especially when you weren't feeling yourself that day.

HAVE A DANCE PARTY: Have some fun. Take a break and just let yourself move freely. Dance like nobody is watching. Personally, I am a crazy dancer. Also, laughter is the best medicine.

Dig deep into your relationship with other: God didn't create us to live in isolation. We are mean't to live in community with other people. Invest in someone else, build bond and friendships. Go on a coffee date and talk about life. Dig beyond the surface level and go deep.

Be less judgmental: One day my mom asked me "if you could take anything away from this world what would it be," and after pondering this for awhile, I came to the conclusion that I would take away judgement. If nobody judged each other, people wouldn't be scared to do what they love.

Spend time with nature: I don't know about you but being outside genuinely uplifts my vibes. Just being surrounded by nature and God's creation is the most peaceful thing. Go outside and adventure.


Don't eat anything at least 2 hours before you go to bed: Give your food some time to digest before you go to sleep in order to have a good nights rest. This is probably something that I struggle with most.

Lay out your clothes for the next day: Whenever I try to pick out my outfit in the morning it takes me 10 times longer than it does than when I do the night before. It is so much simpler to wake up and just put your clothes on that are already laid out for you.

Stay off your phone before you go to bed: Plug your phone in somewhere else other than the outlet underneath your bed. This will help you fall asleep way faster because you won't stay up all night on your phone, and then you will have to get out of bed in the morning to turn your alarm off.

Go to sleep early/ get enough sleep: You should get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night in order to be fully rested and recharged for the next day (I suck at this).

I hope you can find something to help uplift your mood here. Just remember, it is okay to have bad days and off days, but you are in control of your mood. Just do something to turn it back around to fix your day.

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