I Did A Boudoir Shoot And I've Never Felt More Beautiful
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I Did A Boudoir Shoot And I've Never Felt More Beautiful

Self-love is the most important, yet most challenging thing.

I Did A Boudoir Shoot And I've Never Felt More Beautiful

A few weeks ago, I did something that some would call... provocative. Others would call it... sensual. While some would call it... a waste of time.

You know what I call it? Empowering.

And what exactly did I do a few weeks ago?

Well, I decided to do a boudoir shoot.

However, this particular boudoir shoot was more so eccentric and laid back than the ones you may find on google. Most people call me "bohemian," and I believe it shows in this shoot.

Anyways, most women do boudoir shoots for their significant others; however, I have been single since September. This shoot was honestly something that I wanted to do solely for MYSELF.

Of course, as a millenial, I enjoy sharing my life (rather it's selfies, food, new locations of travel, etc.) with the world.

I posted a few "tasteful" photos on social media, but the more sensual/nude phots will stay in my archieve probably... forever. Or, at least until I get married. Who knows?

I bet you're wondering why I decided to do a boudoir shoot for myself.

Well, that means we have to dig deep into my self-consciousness because she is such a critical and judgemental bitch.

I have never been self-confident in myself. I am tall with a thin frame, while also possessing small breasts, a small butt, and small curves.

Most of the women in my family are curvaceous and I feel myself being envious of the natural curves that they have. Not only that, but my friends are also blessed with curves. I am always the smallest in my group of friends. My consciousness always tells me, "What man wants a stick?"

How about we also look at the fact that I am a black woman. Black women are supposed to have curves, right? Yeah... right. Yet another thing my self-conciousness reminds me of daily.

Speaking of the word "stick," I loathe it strongly. Don't ever call a thin woman a stick. I even hate the word "skinny." These just feel like derogatory terms to me.

By the way, I DO eat. I actually enjoy trying new foods. So for those who think I'm anorexic or constantly tell me to eat, please hold your tongue. I have a high metabolism. Trust me, I wish my food went anywhere, but nowhere.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? I remember going out with my friends to a club about three years ago. I had chosen a dress that I thought would accentuate my small curves.

I was wrong.

When I changed into the dress, one of my friends laughed at me. She said, "Wow Bri, you really have no shape." The astonished looks on my other friend's faces didn't help, either.

You know what I did, though?

I held back my tears and laughed along with her. It's far better to laugh at yourself than continue to be laughed at.

I had brought a sweater with me and ended up lying and saying that it was actually part of my outfit. I didn't take that sweater off the entire night.

What's really upsetting is being told this: "Brianna, you're the first small girl I've ever dated."

I was told this back in high school by a boy I had begun dating. I guess I should've felt flattered, but ironically, I didn't.

Most of my friends tell me that there's no need for me to have low self-esteem about my body because guys still want me.

I really despise when people tell me this because it means that I'm giving my power to someone else and that is something that I will never accept. My self-confidence needs to come from within myself.

So, here it is...

I am a small woman. I don't have the largest breasts, nor the largest butt, nor a beautiful hourglass figure.

I have also had two surgeries, in which I will have scars on my abdomen for the rest of my life, and I also have major razor bumps along with hyper-pigmentation around my bikini line.

Don't know what razor bumps are? Be happy that you don't.

But hey, guess what?

I've realized these flaws, or whatever you want to call them, don't make me any less of a woman.

My breasts are small--but I still have them.

My butt is small--but it's still plump and jiggly. Oh and trust me, when it's time to twerk... all hell breaks loose.

My hips may not be as wide as I'd like, but guess what? They're here and sturdy.

This boudoir shoot made me feel empowered not only because my cousin was the photographer, but also because it was just... so much fun. We did the shoot in the comfort of my own room and it was very comfortable and relaxing.

To be real, I contacted my cousin a few days before the shoot and told her, "There's really no point in doing this shoot because I have nobody to share these photos with."

She told me, "This is for nobody else, but yourself."

While looking at one of the pictures that my cousin too, I remember saying in shock, "Is that really me?"

I just couldn't believe what my body looked like from a different perspective in it's most vulnerable form.

I realized, "Damn. I AM beautiful."

You know what? YOU are beatiful, too.

People always say that every body type is beautiful.

I feel like that's still labeing people into categories.

I'd like to argue that every BODY is beautiful.

Not only that, but if you're taking care of yourself and eating healthy, then guess what? Your body type doesn't matter--you're beautiful to me regardless of anyone thinks, you gorgeous queen.

Why must we make others feel less than beautiful for not fitting into society's view of beautiful?

Social media plays a part in this view of beautiful, but I challenge you this.

Get naked and look in the mirror. Look at all of the things that you think are flaws. Now, accept those flaws. Say, "I am my own beautiful."

I've started doing this every morning and although it's still going to take some time for me to truly accept my body for the way that it is, it has allowed me to realize that my "flaws" are honestly... nonexistent.

Always remember that self-love is the best kind of love and that Margaret Wolfe Hungerford said it best: "It's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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