Billy Walters, the living legend of sports betting
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Billy Walters, the living legend of sports betting

A man considered by many to be the greatest sports betting player of all time. Return to his amazing story.

Billy Walters, the living legend of sports betting

A man considered by many to be the greatest sports betting player of all time. Return to his amazing story.

A victim of widespread legalization of the industry, which helped him achieve hundreds of millions of dollars.

The American dream

If modern bettors have all the mathematical statistics, some precursors have already benefited from more than forty years. The story of Billy Walters, often considered the best bookmaker of all time, is the symbol.

Former poker players, Billy soon turns into sports betting after losing everything more than 40 years ago! Immigration to Las Vegas, Bailey, a thirsty gambler, wants to try everything for health. He started working as an intermediary for a group of IT professionals called "Computer Group". Bookmakers surround mathematicians who have an idea of using statistical calculations to create a program with the sole purpose of helping them place their bets.

Thus, Walters became so popular with sports betting in America, that even when he placed his bets, bookmakers would not hesitate to completely alter their odds.

Certainly, many of them were banned, their casino and their books. Yes, his presence almost guaranteed a big loss ... even rumors are that he earned more than a million dollars on an evening in roulette ...

Smarter surrounds himself with a medium and collects more green tickets from Emerald City Journal. Legend says he would have earned at least $ 100 million so far ... a genius with a powerful ego, as seen in an interview with in February 2012

"Before that, I was a professional poker player, and if I was a good poker player, this is a skill game. But sports betting requires much more skill than poker. I am living proof that sports betting is a skill game. I won. 37 years in a row, and if I didn't It is talent, I don't know what it is. "

"As in poker, sports bettors need to analyze information and use risk management to get profit."

Won the last grand prize so far: $ 3.5 million in the 2010 Super Bowl Final. (Green Bay Packers vs Pittsburgh Steelers | 31-25)

Unfortunately, the story does not end there. Since then, the war has been between him and the United States of America ...

The United States v. Walters

In April 2017, a 70-year-old man could face years in prison after being convicted by a jury in Manhattan for winning $ 43 million thanks to a friend who lives in the gym. Sports bets.

The jury sentenced Walter to 10 counts, including securities fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy. It appears that the verdict will be issued on July 14, and he may face a 20-year prison sentence in the most serious charge.

"I lost the biggest bet in my life. Frankly, I am in shock." Bailey told reporters after leaving the court.

But this issue is still fueling the facts. New development! Last May, Pelly asked the New York federal court a new trial in which he said the government witness had lied and that the prosecutor knew or should have known that he was lying. According to our sources, the risks only one year in prison after false testimony.

We will not fail to notify you of the rest of this case ...

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