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12 Chain Establishments To Spend Your Money At Instead Of Starbucks

Starbucks has become the trademark of basic coffee enthusiasts but has definitely not been kind to budget lovers

12 Chain Establishments To Spend Your Money At Instead Of Starbucks

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There are some chain establishments which are comparable to or better than Starbucks in the following categories (1-10 scale): coffee and food selections, price range, and atmosphere.

Just to keep in mind, Starbucks regular coffee is roughly $2 for a 12 oz cup.

Tim Horton's


Food and Coffee Selection: Tim Hortons offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which are almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers donuts, muffins, various types of sandwiches, cookies, brownies, and croissants. Additionally, there is a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from including iced coffee, cold brew, macchiatos, lattes, and espressos. Even though a lot of the flavors are similar to Starbucks they are not exactly the same if you have an extremely complicated order but if you are looking for something simple like a caramel macchiato or a hazelnut flavored iced coffee, this is the place to go!

Price Range: 10z. for $1.45+

Atmosphere: Tim Hortons has the same atmosphere as a Starbucks would. You can sit down, enjoy coffee, and maybe even get some work done. This establishment has a drive-thru.

Dunkin' Donuts


Coffee and Food Selection: Dunkin' Donuts offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which are almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers donuts, muffins, various types of sandwiches, and croissants. Additionally, there is a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from including iced coffee, cold brew, macchiatos, lattes, frappuccinos, and espressos. Even though a lot of the flavors are similar to Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts does not have very many secret or promotional items like Starbucks. However, they have a way better selection of fresh food than Starbucks and in my opinion, is a little better at getting orders correct.

Price Range: 10 oz for $1.59

Atmosphere: Dunkin' Donuts has the same atmosphere as a Starbucks would. You can sit down, enjoy coffee, and maybe even get some work done. This establishment has a drive-thru.

BiggBy Coffee


Coffee and Food Selection: Biggby offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which are almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers muffins and bagels, which is a little less than Starbucks has to offer. However, there is a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from including iced coffee, cold brew, macchiatos, lattes, frappuccinos, smoothies, teas, and espressos. Biggby is almost identical to Starbucks in relation to the flavors and coffee they offer if not better with specialty coffee, but the price is no different and they have fewer food selections.

Price Range: 10z latte for $3.59

Atmosphere: Biggby has the same atmosphere as a Starbucks would. You can sit down, enjoy coffee, and maybe even get some work done. This establishment has a drive-thru.

Krispy Kreme


Coffee and Food Selection: Krispy Kreme offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which are kind of close to Starbucks. The establishment offers donuts and bagels, which is more than Starbucks has to offer if you are looking for certain variations of those items. However, there is not a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from. The essentials are offered here, such as regular coffee, iced coffee, and espressos. Krispy Kreme is better than Starbucks in relation to the variety of food offered and the price but is only for people who are not picky with their coffee.

Price Range: 10 oz for $.99

Atmosphere: This establishment has a drive-thru but is not ideal to relax and get work done. This place is more for people who are wanting quick service.



Food and Drink Selection: McDonald's offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which are definitely close to Starbucks. For breakfast, the establishment offers muffins, cookies, sandwiches, burritos, pies, parfaits, and hash browns, which is more than Starbucks has to offer. Additionally, there is a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from such as lattes, frappucinos, iced coffee, cold brew, smoothies, espressos, cappuccinos, tea, macchiatos, and regular brew. There are also different flavors to choose from during the year such as pumpkin spice, hazelnut, and caramel. McDonald's is better than Starbucks in relation to the variety of food offered and the price. I would say this is for people who do not necessarily look for hand-crafted drinks and food and who looking to be time-efficient.

Price Range: small coffee for $1.25

Atmosphere: Drive-thru is available at this establishment. People can sit down and get work done here but it usually has more of a fast-food atmosphere.

Caribou Coffee


Food and Drink Selection: Caribou offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which is almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of rolls, wraps, and sandwiches which is about the same as Starbucks. Regular coffee, iced coffee, espressos, frappucinos, macchiatos, cappuccinos, tea, and cold brew are offered here. Caribou is almost identical to Starbucks in relation to the variety of food offered and the price.

Price Range: small for $2.59

Atmosphere: Caribou has the same atmosphere as a Starbucks would. You can sit down, enjoy coffee, and maybe even get some work done.

Peet's Coffee & Tea


Food and Drink Selection: Peet's offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which is almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of rolls, wraps, and sandwiches which is about the same as Starbucks. There is a wide variety of coffee which the customer can choose from and specialties from the regular brews. Regular coffee, iced coffee, espressos, frappucinos, macchiatos, cappuccinos, tea, and cold brew. Peet's is almost identical to Starbucks in relation to the variety of food offered with a slightly cheaper price and less specialty and promotional items.

Price Range: small for $1.95

Atmosphere: Peet's has the same atmosphere as a Starbucks would. You can sit down, enjoy coffee, and maybe even get some work done.

Tully's Coffee


Coffee and Food Selection: Tully's offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which is almost identical to Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of rolls, wraps, sandwiches, and appetizers, which is better than what Starbucks has. Regular coffee, espressos, americanos, cappuccinos, tea, and cold brew can be found here. Tully's is handcrafted like Starbucks, but they do not offer a huge selection for variation and flavors. Nevertheless, the price is a bit cheaper than Starbucks and they offer better food.

Price Range: small for $2.15

Atmosphere: Sit-down/ In-store seating. This has the same coffee shop vibes like Starbucks.

Gloria Jean's Coffees


Coffee and Food Selection: Gloria Jean's offers all kinds of food and coffee selections which is a nice alternative to Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of bagels, wraps, sandwiches, daily bites, and soups, which is better than what Starbucks has. Regular coffee, espressos, tea, cold drinks, and smoothies can be found here. Gloria Jean's is handcrafted like Starbucks, but they seem to focus more on their selection of cold drinks and their food. Nevertheless, the price is a bit cheaper than Starbucks and the food is definitely better.

Price Range: small for $1.83

Atmosphere: Sit-down/ In-store seating. This has the same coffee shop vibes like Starbucks where you can get work done and relax.

Coffee Beanery


Food and Coffee Selection: Coffee Beanery offers food and coffee selections which are a nice alternative to Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of baked goods, which is a little less than what Starbucks has. Regular coffee, espressos, tea, cold drinks, macchiatos, specialty drinks, cappuccinos, americanos, and smoothies can be found here. Coffee Beanery is handcrafted like Starbucks, but they just simply offer less food and are based on faster service. Nevertheless, the price is a bit cheaper than Starbucks.

Price Range: small for $1.65

Atmosphere: This has the same coffee shop vibes like Starbucks but is more fast-food based where you can order and go.

Panera Bread


Coffee and Food Selection: Panera offers food and coffee selections which are definitely better than Starbucks. The establishment offers different types of baked goods, appetizers, soups, salads, and entrees, which is so much more than Starbucks. Regular coffee, espressos, tea, cold drinks, macchiatos, specialty drinks, cappuccinos, americanos, and smoothies can be found here. Panera is handcrafted like Starbucks, but they offer more food! Honestly, I believe if you want to go somewhere identical to Starbucks, with more perks, GO HERE!

Price Range: small for $1.89

Atmosphere: THE EXACT SAME AS STARBUCKS! Except this is way more spacious than Starbucks and not crowded with a bunch of preteen girls trying to get a caramel frappucino.



Coffee and Food Selection: Okay this is not at all like Starbucks, but it floats some people's boats. Obviously, 7-11 offers a lot of food options for a more "on-the-go" approach. It has all kinds of packaged foods like chips, candy, and cookies and also has hot food like hot dogs, nachos, donuts, and taquitos. If you are in the mood for a nice hangover cure you should go here instead of Starbucks. Although 7-11 carries bottled coffees from McDonald's, Starbucks, and Dunkin' Donuts, it also has its own hot coffee machines and different flavoring for it. If you are low maintenance and just want simple coffee or are in a hurry, I would say go here instead of Starbucks.

Price Range: small for $1.39

Atmosphere: NOT AT ALL STARBUCKS. A grab and go establishment.

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