In a world where the invention of a pumpkin spice latte gets more praise than anything life saving, it is important to recognize the inventions that are. Below will be inventions from the 21st century that can aid in the life of everyone: to ensure not only health, but happiness for many others, even other than the sole user.
1. Period panties.
Tampons and pads have been filled with carcinogens since they first came into existence in the early 1900s. Through their repulsive advertising and misogyny, period shaming has become prevalent in the attitude of society, media and even products available. However, this changed when THINX created period panties that are 100 percent absorbent, carcinogen free and advertised realistically.
THINX is made up of four bits of tech that makes ‘em anti-microbial, moisture-wicking, absorbent and leak-resistant.
2. Beyond Meat.
Demand for meat has risen 60 percent since 1950, making slaughtering animals a frequent, overbearing process. However, with resources continuing to be depleted to feed Billy Bob Joe and his first cousin wife, a new option was sought after that could preserve both the animal and the earth. Beyond Meat took that challenge, as they realized many still wanted the very same taste and texture of meat. They are the only vegan, plant-based meat that is identical to actual meat.
3. Brain diagnostic tests for infants and newborns.
Typically, babies with brain injuries are subjected to MRIs, which can cost about $3,000. But a new portable brain scan device, now close to commercialization, costs one-tenth the price and is safe enough to use every day. Two instruments used together measure cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume, which can signal the level of oxygen metabolism in the brain. The Children’s Team is negotiating a deal to combine the two instruments into a commercial product, which will combine the two instruments into a single device. The test has already been used on 500 babies, with a new study to launch shortly.
4. 3D printing.
3D printing allows us to create objects and attain them more easily and at a cheaper cost. Printing braces, prosthetics and even homes have begun to save people a ton of money when seeking objects of necessity and quality.
The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process, an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced, horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.
5. Pizza scissors.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.