Countdown: Top 10 Craziest Fad Diets
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Countdown: Top 10 Craziest Fad Diets

The fad is always bad.

Countdown: Top 10 Craziest Fad Diets
Muscle, Mind, Motivation

Fad diets sound amazing and are a quick and easy way to experience fast and easy weight loss-right? WRONG! No matter how much Dr. Oz promotes amazing weight loss diets that are so 'fad' and helps people lose weight, they are not necessarily the most healthy, safe, or sane diet options. Now we might have heard of some famous Fad Diets in America, such as the '5-Bite Diet' where the dieter completely skips breakfast, and eats only five bites of any food eaten during lunch and dinner, or the 'Lemonade Diet' where the dieter drinks a cocktail of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and caynne pepper for their meals, or 'Cookie Diet' which is when the dieter eats special genetically modified cookies to reduce their hunger whenever they are hungry. Yet, these are some of the more normal ones- more serious fad diets include the 'Werewolf Diet' where the dieter fasts drinking only water every full and new moon, or the 'Baby Food Diet' where the dieter is told to eat exactly 14 jars of baby food a day. Now, you might be thinking- it can not get weirder than this-right? WRONG! Here is a list of the top 10 craziest fad diets:

10) The Twinkie Diet: The diet plan suggests that the dieter eats nothing but Twinkies all day-and who wouldn't want to eat the creamy, spongy goodness of a twinkie. Eat just 10 a day, and you will eat only 1500 calories, guaranteeing weight loss! The only problem? Well it's incredibly unhealthy because all you're eating is fats and sugar- no carbs, no protein, no vitamins, so the rate of diseases such as anemia, bone loss, heart problems, steady increases while (maybe) your weight decreases

9) France 'Le Petite' Diet: Developed by 'Health Guru' Valerie Orsoni, this diet has one simple rule for the French ladies trying to lose weight- tie a ribbon around your waist. When the elegant Madams go out for a meal, the ribbon makes them conscious of their tummies, and when they start to feel it get tight and pull, they know to stop eating. The diet does not have specific rules for eating, nor does it cause health problems. No restrictions, no fasting, one ribbon--sounds like a perfect French rêver.

8) The 'Fork-it' Diet: This is also a relatively simple diet. The rule for dieters is that they can eat whatever they want for breakfast and lunch, but at dinner, they can only eat foods that can be eaten with a fork. Sounds crazy at first, but it really means that dieters can only eat foods that, without being cut, can be eaten only with a fork, and they cannot use a spoon or knife. This leaves out meats and high carbs such as breads, but leaves in a great deal of fruits, vegetables, and pastas or rice. The diet has two types- the moderate type where the 'fork rule' has to only be followed during dinner, or a more severe type where even while cooking, the fork is the only utensil used.

7) Feeding Tube Diet: Now we can start getting into some of the crazier diets. This diet was developed by Dr. Oliver di Pietro, and he is the only doctor to offer this procedure. For a period of 10 days, the dieters are hooked up to a feeding tube that contains a mixture of 800 calories of minerals, vitamins, proteins, and oils. The tube is hooked through the nose, down the esophagus, and opens up to the stomach. Almost all health nutritionists are against this practice, as it is essentially starving the dieter. The diet can become extremely expensive, with each course of 10 days costing about $1600

6) The HCG Diet: First of all, the FDA has branded this diet as "fradulent dangerous, and illegal". HCG, or human chorionic gonadotrophin, is a hormone that is released by women during pregnancy. In this diet, HCG is daily injected into the dieter as a means to suppress appetite and burn fat. It is combined with a meal plan less than 500 calories a day. It is known to cause many health problems due to this excess hormone, and it helps to develop breasts in men.

5) Mexican 'Diet Tongue Patch' Diet: This diet was developed by Dr. Nikolas Chugay, after he invented a medical patch of mesh that was stitched on the tongue. This device makes it incredibly painful for a dieter to eat solid food, and they are restricted to just 800 calories a day through liquids. The device is taken off after 6 weeks, and the whole point of the diet is to mentally instill fear in people that if they eat too much food, they will experience the same pain the felt with the Tongue Patch device.

4) 'Chewing' Diet: The basic point of a diet is to reduce caloric intake. This diet takes this principle one step further. The diet, developed in 1903 by Horace Fletcher, promotes the idea that the dieter should chew each bite of food about 28-30 times, and then once the food liquefies, they should spit it out. Essentially, the person is not even eating a single bit. This diet leads to innumerable health problems, and even anorexia.

3)The 'Sleeping Beauty' Diet : Now we entire a whole world of crazy- this diet follows the idea that if you-re asleep, you can't eat anything. So, the dieter is sedated and restricted from eating. This diet was made famous by Elvis Presley. The whole diet consists of the dieter sleeping for most of the day, no food, no physical exercise, and a whole bunch of medication- sound's like the perfect recipe...

2) China 'Sun-Eating' Diet: This diet also has one simple rule. The dieter has to skip one meal a day to stare at the sun for exactly 44 minutes. The idea behind this practice is that is reduces hunger and appetite, improves sleep, and strangely, improves vision. The dieters can absorb solar energy, and use it to fuel their body, While this ideology may work best for plants, regarding humans, it can cause skin cancers and burns, and obviously, excess Vitamin D and not enough necessary nutrients causes other diseases of the body.

1) Tapeworm Diet: Last but not least, the craziest diet of them all. Not at all suitable for the squeamish, this diet involves the dieter swallowing a pill capsule full of tapeworm eggs. The eggs then hatch, releasing tapeworms into the intestines, where they will then eat by absorbing the nutrients from foods before the body does. This diet may help you lose weight, but at the risk of malnutrition, diarrhea, nausea, and many other diseases and side effects. They can also cause fevers, infections, and organ/tissue damage.

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