2017 was an interesting year (to say the least). But now that it's over, it's time to take advantage of this clean start. Here is a list of 18 cool things to do this coming year!
1. Travel to a place you've never been.
Traveling somewhere new is always exciting. It doesn't have to be a big, expensive international trip either. It can be just as fun (and way cheaper) to do some exploring in and around your local area.
2. Learn a new skill.
Whether you've always wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube or you just want to learn how to cook without burning everything to a crisp, 2018 is as good a time as any to master a new skill or two.
3. Treat yourself.
I know, I know. By now the term "treat yo' self" has become a bit of a cliche, but the sentiment behind it definitely hasn't. Treating yourself does not mean you have to splurge on something crazy expensive that will impact your ability to pay next month's rent. It simply means whatever you want it to mean. If you want to eat that donut, treat yo' self! If you want to buy that cute dress that's on sale, by all means, treat yo' self!
4. Get outside.
Go for a walk or a hike or a bike ride. Or maybe just sit on a beach somewhere. Get out there and get some of that sweet vitamin D (but don't forget sunscreen).
5. Love yourself.
In the wise words of RuPaul, "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?" You're worthy of love, especially your own.
6. Get creative.
Sometimes we can lose ourselves in our day to day lives and forget to express ourselves through a creative outlet. This can be anything from drawing to writing to singing or playing an instrument.
7. Get a planner.
Before you dismiss this one because you think you don't need a planner, let me tell you why you're wrong. I won one of those fancy planners in March of last year, and though I'd never considered myself a "planner person" per say, I figured I'd give it a try anyway. I loved it. It makes you feel so productive and organized when you can check an item off of your to-do list. Even if you're not a super busy person, using a planner keeps you on top of your shit.
8. Have a laugh.
According to Time Magazine, laughing for 10 to 15 minutes per day can burn up to 40 calories. Now you don't have to feel bad about skipping the gym to stay home and watch Youtube.
9. Try something new.
Skydiving is not a requirement. Just try and get out of your comfort zone, even if that just means trying a new food or signing up for a yoga class.
10. Be introspective.
Take the time to get to know yourself! Not only is it super interesting to learn more about yourself, but it helps you to become a better person.
11. Do crazy stuff with your friends.
Especially if you're still in college, use this time to go on crazy, random adventures with your friends while you still live close to each other. Just don't do anything too stupid.
12. Do a social media detox.
Take a break from your phone for a weekend, a day, or even just a few hours. It may prove to be easier than you think! We're always on our phones nowadays, and I think we could all use a vacation from our phones.
13. Stop caring about what others think of you.
Be unapologetically you. Wear what you want. Eat what you want. Be exactly who you want to be. At the end of the day, you're stuck with yourself for your whole life and when it comes to your own business, the only person whose opinion matters is yours.
14. Take a road trip.
This is kind of a combination of number 1 and number 11 on this list, but road trips are fun! Half of the fun of traveling someplace is getting there.
15. Set goals.
This point should probably actually say "follow through on goals." If you're like me, you have no problem setting goals but you're not super good at following through on them all the time. So this year my goal is to follow through on goals. We'll see if I go through with it.
16. Be thankful.
Expressing thanks isn't just for Thanksgiving anymore. Even though things can get rough, we need to remember the things we do have and be thankful for the people and things around us that make life great.
17. Get involved.
Join a new group, team, or club! Get involved in your community. You can meet new people and expand your worldview while doing something you're passionate about!
18. Have fun!
Last but certainly not least, don't forget to have fun in the new year! Keep living your life your way and being awesome!
Happy New Year! May you follow through on your resolutions and have an amazing start to 2018!