Living With Anxiety
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Living With Anxiety

A colorful article on living with anxiety and recommendations on how to work with anxiety.

Living With Anxiety

Anxiety. For some, anxiety is a fancy word for fear or nerves; for others, anxiety has dictated their entire lives from the moment it has attached itself to them. I am one of those “others,” and let me state for the record that anxiety sucks. There was a period of time where it controlled my entire life in its awful grasp. I couldn’t go out to eat with my family or friends, go to school, go out to a public area, or even sleep without its permission. My little victories ranged from spending an entire day with my friends to being able to eat a few bites of my meal without feeling nauseated. I’m by no means cured of anxiety, but with support, medication, and work, I have regained control of my life.

By gaining an understanding that anxiety cannot be turned off or ignored, people who have anxiety and the people who surround them can learn how to help themselves. In my experience, the first step is to recognize that there’s something not right about what’s happening to the person. One of my symptoms of anxiety is bouts of nausea and dry heaving, which one can easily mistake for flu/food poisoning symptoms or effects of certain medications. However, after a few times, it’s clear that something is wrong.

Next step, get diagnosed. This may seem like a no brainer but trust me when I say it has to be said. There is nothing wrong with being diagnosed with anxiety and it could also be a symptom of a thyroid problem and other medical problems. People believe in the stigma that having a mental disorder means that one is insane; when in reality, it can be part of something just as serious and treatable. When getting diagnosed, be sure to talk to your physician about any concerns on the type of medication, recommended steps to take, and possible side-effects.

Medication is only one type of treatment of anxiety, and like many mental disorders can only work on it’s own for so long. As the body builds up a tolerance for the medication, the dosage is raised to balance out what the body needs for the medication to work without harming the taker. Therapy is a great way to compliment medication as well as changing up dietary habits and include outdoor hobbies. By eating a more balanced diet and getting more sunlight and pairing medication with therapy, a change will be more apparent in how one feels about themselves.

However, this does not mean anxiety will be forever controlled. There will be bumps in the road and there will be days where anxiety wins the never-ending battle. It’s okay. It’s okay to lose every once in awhile, but always be ready to get back up and fight again. Fight back by learning what triggers that anxious feeling and expose oneself to it to combat anxiety. An example of some anxiety triggers would be crowds, small spaces, too much caffeine, and tests. Knowledge is power and with the knowledge of what triggers an anxiety attack, one gains the power to take back their freedom.

Here is a list of websites that induce calming and relaxing sounds/environments: : A free white/pink/brown noise player that osculates and has a sleep timer built in. : A relaxing, free rain player that plays a different rain track every day. : WARNING: Do not use if easily motion sick. This is a fun, "trippy," relaxing music player that takes viewer on a journey through various shapes and patterns. This is a nice website if one needs to be distracted from a situation. A lot like Rainy Mood but with various places and sounds. The tracks do not change from day to day but there's a lot of variety and it does a walk-through on meditation, and can be tailored for each user. : Like Calm but with different sounds and places. This one doesn't have the option to meditate but comes with videos. One of the options is a "Relaxed Cat." It has a full-screen option and can be put on a TV screen. : This website is amazing. Especially, if one feels sad, alone, or hopeless. It is a place where people write thoughts to each other in an encouraging way. Plus, it has relaxing music and a full-screen option. : Brought to the internet by the same project that did The Dawn Room. This room is just for the viewer. Here the viewer can release all of their anger and fears to the stars. This is where The Dawn Room and The Thoughts Room began. This is a experience video where the viewer can take a break from life and just have a few minutes to themselves and the relaxing music. It is simply a quiet place. : Virtual hugs for people who have no one to hug them and need a hug. It is literally the nicest place on the internet.

These places are just various tools that anyone can use whether they need white noise to sleep to or a hug when they are away from home. In truth, these websites are some of the most stress free places on the internet and are amazing to write or read to.

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