The American Dream Is Dead And It's All Thanks To You
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Hey Americans, The 'American Dream' Is Dead And It's All Thanks To You

When we don't make room for others to find success we kill the ideals that made our country what it is.

Hey Americans, The 'American Dream' Is Dead And It's All Thanks To You

The "American Dream" is what many come to this country to look for — this idea that in the United States, hard work will bring you success, wealth, and happiness. And we used to welcome those who came looking for it. For decades, the US has been the world's largest resettlement country, and while the United Nations' Refugee Agency determines the country of resettlement, the United States is a sought-after location with a reputation for economic prosperity and safety that countries being fled cannot offer in times of turmoil.

In recent years, despite a long history of welcoming those seeking to share in the "American Dream," the United States has become increasingly hostile towards those hoping to come to our country.

Under our current presidential administration, calls have been made for an asylum ban (which was blocked by a federal judge) for migrants at the southern border, the DACA program was ended, and tensions about migration and immigration into the United States have risen.

While many, including the president during his State of the Union address on February 5, identity illegal immigration as their main concern, these concerns are largely misguided. While the number of illegal border crossings is hard to measure, the number of apprehensions at the border have decreased dramatically in the last 20 years.

So why are we so fixated on people coming into our country?

Once seen as a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, today our country is largely divided on the idea of immigration and migration and of accepting those who are seeking a better life. While the number of people opposed to more immigration has fallen since the 1990s, fears are rising about crime and federal resources

Fears such as these have been flames fanned by extremists and partisan splits on policies, beginning with George W. Bush and continuing through both Barack Obama's and President Trump's administrations. More and more research shows that fears against immigrants are unfounded but the fast-paced media sharing world we live in spreads fear faster than truth, with many people only reading headlines and not digging deeper into claims.

What does this mean for the American Dream?

Claims that immigrants are stealing jobs and leaching off welfare do nothing to further our country or make success reachable for anyone. The truth is, rising costs of the living and stagnant wages are driving the divide in our country. Barely making ends meet while a few people hold insane amounts of wealth has turned our country against something perceived as easily identifiable — those different than us.

Our economy still ranks first in the world and has much more to offer to those seeking a better life than their native countries often do. The American Dream is attractive and our country is seen as a safe haven from impoverished or war-torn countries. It is what attracted people centuries ago and what attracted many of our grandparents or great-grandparents. The hope of success for ourselves and our families is something that is as old as modern civilization itself.

The American Dream cannot exist unless we include immigrants and refugees because the American Dream was created for those seeking a better life in the United States.

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