It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is wearing something from Victoria's Secret or Pink. I have more than enough yoga pants and sweaters from there. I've bought Pirates, Pitt Panther, and North Dakota State gear from their sports collections. But when I'm shopping there, I can't help but look at the models. They're large and beautiful and Photoshopped. All of the VS Angels are flawless and airbrushed for the fashion show. It makes it hard for someone that is the average size or anything other than society's ideal body to shop there.
I'm not saying stop shopping there, because I know I still will on certain occasions. But recently, Aerie has my love. The reason is not that I worked with some amazing girls there or they sent me (and every other #AerieREAL girl) free things for posting pictures of us rocking our aerie bikinis.
For every picture posted, they donated a dollar to the National Eating Disorder Association which is a charity that is very near and dear to my heart. Not to mention that they sponsor NEDA Walks all over the United States and model Iskra Lawrence attends quite a few of them. Or even because all of their clothes are cute and extremely comfortable. Yes, that means their push-up bras too.
It's so much more than that.
Aerie doesn't touch up models. That means scars, rolls, stretch marks, tattoos, and the such. As you can see in mine I have rolls, one visible tattoo, cellulite, some bruises, and well, my famous soccer legs. My hair is a mess but that's okay. This photo has no filter, no Photoshop. It's a completely real photo.
Not believing what they have heard, people have told me that they don't. I've been right up close next to the marketing posters and every part of their real body is there. You can even see some of them in the new "Share Your Spark" campaign.
The fitting rooms have stickers on the mirrors saying, "The real you is sexy" and "The girl in this mirror has not been retouched." It made me feel a lot better when I was trying on every style bra they had. Yes, every style. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels good looking into the mirror that tells me I'm sexy unretouched.
Some of the Victoria's Secret Photoshop fails have been very funny. For example, this missing butt cheek that happened last September. It's just sending out the wrong message to young girls.
I am so proud to be an #AerieReal girl and happy that a company with so much power over how people feel about themselves would do something like this.