Summer is already almost over which means high school is drawing near. Having just graduated high school myself I wanted to give you some advice! These probably will not be the "best years of your life" but that doesn't mean you can't make them memorable! Here are some tips on how to do just that:
1. Take Pictures
One of my biggest regrets is not taking more pictures. Freshman and sophomore year I have about twelve pictures combined. That is all! And most of these come from Homecoming dances. Junior and senior year I took way more pictures and now have a bunch of memories saved in photos. Also, taking pictures throughout high school will make for great Transformation Tuesday pictures!
2. Join Clubs And Activities
Do not be the shy freshman. Go out and try new activities. Even if you join a club and hate it, you may meet people you enjoy being around. Plus, clubs give you confidence. I was quiet and shy too until I join MockTrial. Suddenly, as a freshman, I was thrown into the world of law and was giving testimony in a real courtroom with an actual judge! This club gave me public speaking skills which boosted my self-esteem and gave me the confidence to do anything I set my mind to.
3. Relationships
Soon you will be thrown in a new school and meet a lot of new people. Dating becomes nerve-racking when couples start to form, especially around Homecoming time. Do not force yourself into a relationship just so you can have a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." Couples who do this only hurt themselves and close themselves off from others. You can be single and happy. The right person will come along, so do not jump on the first opportunity if it does not feel right to you.
4. Do Not Change Yourself
I was a nervous wreck about meeting new people and not having friends. It is so easy to get pulled into being someone you are not just to please others or fit in. No one wants to be labeled as "that weird girl/guy" so it's easy to laugh at something you do not find funny or agree to something you usually would not. Do not let yourself fall into this trap. Do not lose your originality for people who do not care about you. You will find your group, just smile, be genuine, and be you!
5. Getting Lost
Do not worry, this lasts for one to two weeks. You will soon gain your bearings and laugh that you ever claimed your school was large or confusing!
6. Teachers
I'll admit it. There are some not-so-great teachers who are condescending, mean, or just awful at their job. In the same breathe, there are awful students as well. It will all balance out. Do not be afraid to ask questions when you are confused. Go to tutorials and spend extra time studying to show your teachers that you care when you are struggling. Also, when you get lucky and have a couple of AWESOME teachers, embrace them. Enjoy their classes and do not worry about looking nerdy. By senior year of high school you will not care anyways, so soak up those teachers who you really love.
7. Do Not Care What Other People Say
It is your life, your decisions, and only you can make them. Live for you, not for anyone else. People will always talk, so be strong enough to tune out the negative and focus on putting yourself first.
I hope these tips help you to be more confident during your first year and throughout high school! Remember, be yourself and try new activities and just try to enjoy these years. You will never believe how quickly they go by.