7 Takeaways From The 2016 DNC | The Odyssey Online
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7 Takeaways From The 2016 DNC

"Don't boo, vote. " — President Barack Obama

7 Takeaways From The 2016 DNC
NBC News

In 2008, the United States of America made history by electing its first African- American president. Fast forward to 2016, history once again occurred when a woman (Hillary Clinton) received the nomination for presidency for the first time ever. The Democratic National Convention (a four-day event) started on Monday, July 26 until Thursday, July 28. It was a convention like no other with Hollywood celebrities in almost every corner and the could-have-been Democratic nominee, Bernie Sanders. Each day had a headliner speaker with surprises and once in a lifetime speeches. Stories were told, standing ovation were given and towards the end of the convention it felt like the Democratic Party united. Here are seven takeaways from the DNC:

1. Michelle Obama is a role model of First Lady.

This one should not come to a surprise to many, the First Lady has been an activist for young girls' education and kids' nutrition. She has been a "mom" to us all for the past eight years, but on Monday night she was more than that; she was a leader. On opening night, First Lady Michelle Obama gave Americans another reason to love her. Her poise and class were astonishing. She did not mention the Republican nominee once, but somehow still gave a shout out to his radical rhetoric. We should all be thankful to have had such an intelligent woman as First Lady. #Michelle2020 anyone?

2. Bernie Sanders is a team player.

The DNC opened strong with not only Michelle Obama but with its headliner speaker, Bernie Sanders. Everyone was wondering what he was going to say; he had already endorsed Hillary, but the DNC email leaks could have changed all that. The leaks showed favoritism towards Clinton and plans on how to get Sanders out. This comes to no surprise to some, since it was obvious whom the DNC wanted as nominee early on. But on Monday night, Bernie Sanders came onto the DNC stage with a two-minute standing ovation. People were definitely "feeling the Bern," and he showed nothing but gratitude for those who have stuck by him. He was the Bernie everyone fell in love with. He said, "Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths." He did not take back his endorsement, and instead reminded us why we should be on Hillary's team, because he believes in her, and maybe that should enough.

3. Joe Biden is angry, like really angry.

Who knew the VP had an angry side? When talking about Republican nominee Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden could not keep low about his feelings towards him. At one point, he started yelling loudly about how a man like him could find pleasure in his famous catchphrase, "You're fired." Joe Biden reminded us all that if he had run for presidency, he may have had it in him.

4. Mothers of the Movement was emotional.

Mothers of killed African-American children because of police brutality spoke at the convention Tuesday evening, and it was powerful. They were the mothers of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Maria Hamilton, Dontré Hamilton, Lucia McBath, Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown. The support of these women is so important and shows how the Democratic Party is the party of the people, not only the high class.

5. Hollywood loves Hilary Clinton.

With Comic Con happening during the same time as the DNC, I was often confused when I saw pictures on my Twitter timeline where all these celebrities were. Surprisingly, it was the DNC. Hollywood actors and actresses were all over the convention from America Ferrera to Meryl Streep. Shonda Rhimes produced a 13-minute documentary on the last night titled, "Hillary," that would introduce the presidential nominee. Director and actress Elizabeth Banks also created an a cappella video of Hollywood stars singing to the song "Fight Song."

6. President Barack Obama truly believes in the American people and Hillary Clinton.

As if his endorsement was not enough, in his last DNC speech on Wednesday night President Obama could not have praised Hilary Clinton more. Calling her a tough candidate in the 2008 elections, he gave her his stamp of approval by stating his personal stories with her and the strength that she has shown. He engaged with the audience when they shouted, "I love you," and, "Four more years!" He praised his wife for her powerful speech, and looked into the American people's eyes and said the most important factor about this election, "I think it's fair to say this is not your typical election. It’s not just a choice between parties or policies; the usual debates between left and right. This is a more fundamental choice — about who we are as a people, and whether we stay true to this great American experiment in self-government."

7. Hillary Clinton accepts historic party nomination for President of the United States.

It is official! Another Clinton presidency can be in the horizon but this time it would be followed with a "Madame President." Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination and spoke at the convention on Thursday night. Clinton's speech was on various topics but mostly focused on her rival Donald Trump. "We will not build a wall. Instead, we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good paying job can get one. And we'll build a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our economy! We will not ban a religion. We will work with all Americans and our allies to fight terrorism." Clinton ended the DNC with a high note uniting the party and giving us hope that America can be stronger than ever — with a woman president.

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