7 Reasons You Need The iPhone 7 | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons You Need The iPhone 7

Lucky No. 7 is an understatement.

7 Reasons You Need The iPhone 7

It's that time of year again, folks!

No, not back to school.

(But that too.)

No, not allergy season.

(Well, yes. That also a thing.)

Not the return of the PSL.

(But can I please get a PTL??)


Every year, in the beginning of September, Apple hosts its famous "Apple Keynote" where a plethora of new Apple gadgets are realeased; it's never a surprise this always incorporates the release of the newest iPhone.

I give you the iPhone 7

Why should YOU get the 7?

Well, conveniently enough, I have 7 reasons for your:

1.) It's PRETTY.

Just look at it. The new "Jet Black" is a beautiful black diamond of technology that slithers into your hand like an ice cream cone in July. It's slim, it's clean and best of all, it comes in 5 different looks: "Jet Black", Black, Silver, Gold and Rose Gold.

2.) The Camera.

Both the iPhone 7 AND iPhone 7 plus now have image stabilization (previously ONLY in the iPhone 6s Plus) which means your pictures come out clearer more often. Next, both models take excellent pictures in low light. It's no secret that iPhones have historically SUCKED in this department. Can I get an AMEN for finally being able to get a clear picture in any sort of restaurant, live event or outside space where the flash is either distracting or otherwise ineffective? Finally, if you like Fablets (face tablets) and decide to go with the iPhone 7 Plus then you get a "two-fer"; there are two independent cameras built in. This extra camera allows one to take awesome shots at a 2x optical zoom (and x10 digital zoom) and allows them to take up close portraits with the background auto "blurred" to really make those moments pop. The cameras for both are still a wopping 12MP (which now shoots 1080HD) but the front-facing camera has gotten a facelift from a 5MP camera to a 7MP! #selfiewithaseven

3.) Entertainment

Couple of things on this one. First, no more headphone jack. While many people find this as a disadvantage, I think it's an advantage. That space is now used for other hardware capable of making the 7 better than ever. En lieu of the headphone jack, the Lightning Port now doubles as both charging port AND audio port. Finally, there is now stereo speakers! Now, when you watch a video in landscape, sound will emit from both ends of the iPhone (instead of just one end) giving a fully enriched sound.

4.) Battery life

The battery life on iPhones is pretty hit or miss; the older the phone, the worse it is. 83%* of people can't make it all day with their current phone's charging capacity. The iPhone 7, however trumps all its predecessors by as much as two hours! That may sound mediocre but how many times have you been out and about and just needed another hour or two of battery life? Two hours more of batter is two hours more of battery.

*not at all a real statistic

5.) Phone and data capabilities

Sometimes I forget that what I'm getting is still indeed a "phone". You know. That thing you use to call people on? I know, it's been a while since we've had to do that ancient action but there's still a time and a place. The iPhone 7 utilizes the best of what a phone can do. Sporting as many as 25 LTE bands (translation: increasingly good connection capabilities) and LTE Advanced, iPhone 7 can load twice as fast as the iPhone 6s and three times as fast as the iPhone 6. Finally, the perfect marriage of data usage and phone calling come together in the 7. Now, third party phone calling apps (i.e. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc...) will ring on your phone as if it was normal phone call (no more annoyingly awkward notifications saying "'blankety blank blank' is calling you via blank."

6.) iOS 10

Now, I am fully aware that pretty much all versions of the iPhone/iPad can update to iOS 10; however, there is nothing like using the device the new operating system was MADE to be used on. iPhone 7's 25% brighter screen means those super cool iMessage texts are even clearer, crisper and more exciting than on your iPhone 6. 3D touch capabilities are better, pictures/videos are better, it's all better!

7.) Waterproof

I may have saved the best for last. The new iPhone sports "waterproofing" technology! FINALLY. No more "puddle panics" or "toilet terrors". While some seem skeptical, people have already began testing the waters (pun completely intended). Check out this video where an iPhone 7 stays submerged underwater for 8 hours and still works! This is great news for us all because at some point or other, our phones get wet in some capacity or another.

Have I convinced you? Or at least sparked your interest to investigate more?

(Check out http://www.apple.com/iphone-7/ for all the ins and outs.)

Technology is cool, y'all. Why not enjoy what we have to the fullest with an iPhone 7!



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